How did I become a blogger? I honestly have no idea, until I remembered: I’m in college, that’s how.
I am a sophomore student here at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point after being here for less than a year and a half, I have tried and experienced more new things than I ever have before, so I decided to add blogging to that list.
I am from Lake in the Hills, Illinois, (a town most people have never heard of) so I chose to say I’m from the Chicago suburbs because it is just easier and sounds neat. It’s not a small town though, I attended Huntley High School with a graduating class around 630 students!

My current major is communicative sciences and disorders (CSD), but being the indecisive person that I am, I am considering changing it to health promotion/wellness (HP/W). What I have learned in my CSD classes have already shaped me and taught me aspects about hearing and speech that I never knew existed, but as I go through college I grow each day and I get one step closer to finding out what career will really suit me best. I am excited to change my major and start a new learning path.
One thing I am sure on is my minor is Spanish. I have been taking Spanish classes since I can remember and it is something I enjoy. With the credits I earned in high school, I will finish my minor by the end of my junior year.
Now considering this is only my introduction and first post, after writing this I am much more excited and confident to share my ideas and stories about my life as a UW-Stevens Point Pointer.

“If you don’t go after what you want, you’ll never have it. If you don’t ask, the answer is always no. If you don’t step forward, you’re always in the same place.”
– Nora Roberts
Thanks for getting to know me in my first blog,
Alyssa Deem is a sophomore in the College of Professional Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.