The people I have met in Stevens Point have made my experience here that much greater. The town and the school are great, but the people I met here are what keeps me here.
The connections I have made and the relationships I have built have enabled me to feel at home in Stevens Point. I have met some of my best friends here and I could not be more thankful for the support system that has developed from that.
They encourage me. They encourage me to get my homework done, to take that extra hour to study, to get a workout in, and to keep working hard because they want me to succeed.
They’re honest. They tell me when I’m wrong, and they’re not afraid to do so, but I couldn’t appreciate them more for that. They let me know when when I’m not making the best decisions and give me honest opinions.
They support me. Whether I’m happy or sad, they always want to know what’s going on in my life and want to be a part of it. I am able to talk to them about anything and they always make bad situations better.
“Good people bring out the good in people”
I never would have imagined meeting such great people, but more importantly, a close group of friends who make my college experience so much better. I am so thankful and fortunate to have them in my life.
Alyssa Deem is a sophomore in the College of Professional Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.