Hello friends! I am filled with an abundance of emotions as you’ll be able to see in my first blog. I have now moved out of Stevens Point, back home to Hatley, and have a week before I leave for my internship with The Route City Wealth Club in London, England. I hope that this internship will launch me for a successful start into the financial industry when I graduate December 2016.
Goodbye and good riddance to packing
Under much debate I have come to the conclusion that it would be ridiculous for a college student to hire a moving team to pack up one bedroom. This was a split decision. I have had to pack up my room in Stevens Point and pack for London at the same time. This is what I did to make my life less miserable.
- Packed and stored away all of my winter clothes so they were out of the way
- Then with a visual inventory of everything left in my closet I took the time to write a list of everything I would pack for London. This helped me 1) not forget anything and 2) not over pack!! The worst thing you can do when you’re packing for months at a time like I am is to pack too many things
Without the slightest bit of sarcasm, I need some space free in my luggage on my return home to fit all of my Harry Potter souvenirs I intend on purchasing!
Because I have a week at my parents house and am 90% packed for London already I plan on picking select few pieces of clothing out of my luggage and to instead dress like I’m homeless for the next week.
Goodbye to my friends, family and my Lee Ayers family
I’m not good with goodbyes. In fact, I’m so bad with goodbyes that when I know I’m seeing people for the last time, whether that be friends who have just graduated a week and a half ago or those I will not see and or talk to for the next three months, I just simply ignore it.

Until a week ago I’ve been good at ignoring my feelings in this area. I had three of my younger cousins over for an evening at my parents house to be able to spend some quality time with them before I leave, knowing, but not acknowledging the fact that this was the last time I was going to see them until mid August. And then it happened. I was faced with the one thing all of us who love to ignore our feelings hate: someone who makes us recognize the emotions we’re hiding from. My 8-year-old cousin did this to me when she asked to have a sleepover with me the following week and I had to explain that I couldn’t because I would be leaving for England and that our evening together was meant to be our special time before I left.
Since I now must say thank you to those who took the time out of their busy schedules to spend time with me even if it was just for a coffee, a drink or dinner after work. You have made me feel so incredibly valued and loved. And to everyone who tried to mesh their calendars with mine, your effort doesn’t go unnoticed. I’m sorry we couldn’t make something work, but I look forward to instead seeing you in August! I didn’t expect to be as emotional as I have been … I just know how much I’ll miss everyone.
Goodbye to life as I know it
I wouldn’t call interning in London a dream I’ve always had, but rather a plan. As many people reading this already know I’m a double major studying business administration with a concentration in finance, real estate and insurance and Spanish. To enhance my Spanish degree, I made the decision to spend the summer of my freshman year on a study abroad program in Mexico with the intention of learning as much Spanish as I could. I came back from that program a completely different person. My mind and heart were open to an entirely new way of life and I will cherish every last minute of that trip for the rest of my life.

Once I returned home I discovered an opportunity for School of Business and Economic students to obtain internships in London for the summer and in that moment I decided that in two years I was going to go. For two years I have put myself on a tight budget in order to be able to afford the trip, mapped out the classes I would have to take to be prepared for success in London (all with the help of my Aunt Jenny), and I studied the industry I want to launch my career in to increase my chances of interning for a company that would give me a platform strong enough to achieve my post graduation plans. Now this brings us to present time; I’m almost gone. I’m proud of myself for bringing this two-year plan into reality.
“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us”
Now it’s time for me to say goodbye to my life as I know it because just like when I came home from Mexico, my life will never be the same. I’m not sure how this trip will change me, but I’m confident that because of it I will view my life differently. I will see my future goals differently and I will see all of the different types of relationships I have with people differently because I will be different.
“The trouble is, you think you have time” -Buddha
Final goodbye from the United States, cheers my friends!
With Love, Miranda
Miranda Resch ’16 is a business administration-FIRE and Spanish double major at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.