HPW Student Internship Experience – Hillary Drake 16′
Interning at the Aspirus Wausau Hospital has been an amazing experience that I am very thankful for! While interning at the hospital, I had the opportunity to work in multiple areas of wellness, some of which included: community wellness, employee wellness, business health and cardiac rehabilitation. My typical schedule interning involved me being in many places, which included: cardiac rehabilitation at the
hospital twice a week, off-site wellness programming in both Wood County and Associated Bank, along with helping to organize the weekly Farmer’s Market at the Aspirus Wausau Hospital. I loved being in multiple locations because I was able to learn and see how many
different wellness programs are implemented. I am also very appreciative that I was able to gain experience clinically in cardiac rehabilitation because prior to my internship I thought the clinical route was the path I wanted to take in the future. However, after my internship at
Asprius I truly found out where my passions lie and which direction my future is headed, which I am very grateful for! In regards to my responsibilities for my internship, in cardiac rehab I was in charge of monitoring the patient’s blood pressures, heart rates, oxygen saturation, and exercise prescription. My main responsibilities in Wood County were to create a smoking cessation toolkit for the employees, create educational flyers, along with monthly activity lists for the surrounding areas. At Associated Bank, I was in charge of creating the August Meet-and-Greet program, the Beat Your Boss Wellness Challenge, a resource guide for the Stevens Point area, and a stress management lunch-and-learn with two of my fellow interns. At the farmer’s market I helped two interns with the fruit and veggie prescription program! Lastly, I also had the opportunity to shadow two cardiac stent procedures, along with an echo test and a Cardiovert procedure! Needless to say, I have had a fantastic experience at Aspirus!
- Behavior:
- Assist with onsite screenings that take place including Blood Pressure and BMI checks.
- Observe health coaching and potentially assist with providing.
- Observe and assist with Weigh to Go: Aspirus Community Weight Challenge.
- Create and develop future Code Lavender Events.
- Promotion and Marketing:
- Prepare wellness articles.
- Promote stress management utilizing Code Lavender.
- Promote Weigh to Go: Aspirus Community Weight Challenge.
- Market the 2016 Wellness Program Education.
- Organizational Experiences:
- Assist with quarterly lunch n’ learns.
- Organize behavior change tracking results.
- Help organize timeline for various behavior change programs.
- Attend staff meetings.
- Assist with budgeting program incentive.
On-Site Supervisor
Ashley Popp
Health Promotion & Wellness Coordinator
333 Pine Ridge Blvd
Wausau, WI 54401
715-847-2000 ext. 52280
25-30 hours per week; minimum of 400 total hours
UW-Stevens Point Students Who Completed Internship
- Brooke Goehring, Spring 2017
- Emma Loeck, Spring 2016 (pictured above)
- Hillary Drake, Summer 2016
- Renee Schessler, Summer 2016
- Jennifer Stubbe, Summer 2016
- Lori Engelmeier, Spring 2013
- Ashley Bruger, Summer 2013
- Benjamin Koenig, Spring 2014
- Brittany Peterson, Spring 2018
- Dominick Meyer, 2009
- Erica Fanta, 2009
- Cody LeBlanc, 2009
- April Tremmel, 2009
- Nick Thielke, Spring 2010
- Kelly Krueger, Spring 2010
- Tracy Denton, Spring 2010
- Carmen Brueggen, Summer 2010
- Corie Bottemiller, Fall 2011
- Sarah Gauger, Summer 2012
- Sheila Brock, Summer 2012