HPW Student Internship Perspective – Ashley Clark 16′
Interning within the fitness department at Green Mountain at Fox Run has been a very rewarding experience. As part of the fitness team I worked with group fitness instructors and other wellness professionals to help ensure the success of the fitness department within Green Mountain. I was able to incorporate all of the knowledge and tools that I had obtained while at UWSP. I had many responsibilities during my internship including: performing weekly pre and post-assessments including body measurements, heart rate, blood pressure, flexibility, sit and stand for endurance, and balance, and interpreted these results using the Karvonen formula. A large role also involved correctly spotting participants during various strength classes. While at Green Mountain I also learned a wide range of modifications to provide to participants with various orthopedic concerns (rotator cuff, knee pain, hip pain, back pain, arthritis, carpel tunnel, etc.). These modifications allowed the
participants to participate in every class no matter what there current physical abilities allowed and were able to find exercise that they enjoyed. This formula of modifications and sculpting a workout to every woman will equate to sustainable healthy practices. The picture provided shows me leading a Hula Hoop class that I created as an intern project for the woman of Green Mountain. Hula hoop is usually associated with childhood but can be just as much fun as an adult. When developing this class I learned that hula hoop provides so
many health benefits including: improved flexibility, balance, strengthen muscles of back, abs, arms and legs, as well as providing a rhythmic nature making it relaxing and even meditative. This class was very different to those already incorporated and Green Mountain and the
woman that participated while I was interning really enjoyed it. Interning at Green Mountain was a great experience and I feel I have all the tools necessary to continue with my Health Promotion journey.
- Behavior:
- Group Exercise Instruction – conducting group fitness classes according to the ACSM guidelines.
- Exercise modifications by providing exercise alternatives for special populations.
- Leading excursions such as: hikes and other outdoor activities on and off-site.
- Assist Fitness Staff with exercise prescription.
- Promotion and Marketing:
- Create and present a specialized fitness class or lecture appropriate to our clientele (larger bodied women).
- Design and display an educational bulletin board which represents the GMFR philosophies.
- Organizational Experiences:
- Assist fitness staff in production of fitness handouts and other small administrative tasks.
- Attend meetings with supervisor and fitness staff.
- Learning how staff is hired.
- Learning how to design fitness class schedule.
- Learning how to budget for fitness staff and classes.
- Looking at how to adjust our staffing and expenses to compensate for seasonal fluctuations.
- Preparation for post-internship goals; including but not limited to mock interviews, cover letter and resume writing; business direction.
On-Site Supervisor
Lori Wright
Fitness Lead and Intern Supervisor
262 Fox Lane
Ludlow, VT 05149
(802) 228-8885
30 to 40 hours per week; total of 480 to 640 hours
None; includes room and board with options for earning money if desired
UW-Stevens Point Students Who Completed Internship
- Haley Ahlberg Summer 18′
- Kelsey Nasset, Spring 2016
- Ashley Clark, Spring 2016 (pictured above)
- Ashley Bechard, Summer 2015
- Monica Preisig, Summer 2013
- Ella Wood, Spring 2018