My name is Monica Castillo and I am from South Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I will be a junior at UW-Stevens Point and I am an interior architecture major with an international studies minor with an emphasis on Latin Countries. I actually chose UWSP due to all the study abroad options it offers, I will be studying and interning in London this coming spring semester.

I had a week to relax and then reality kicked in for me; an internship and two jobs. Finding an internship started back around Spring Break, one of the most stressful weeks I have ever experienced. But, after 30 calls, repeatedly sending my résumé and portfolio out to multiple companies and of course the dreaded wait I was offered a position.
About a week later, I finally got the email that I had been waiting to see. My mix of emotions started when I got the offer from Haven Interiors LTD and naturally, they only increased as it got closer to May 31. I was excited, nervous, and a bit scared to see what my first day had in store for me. What would I be doing? How hard would it be? Will I mess up? All questions that were running running through my mind.

That day I made my drive into downtown Milwaukee and got to the office by 9:30 a.m., ready to start my day. Both myself and the other intern got the grand tour again, and then we went over what our daily tasks would consist of. “The Basket” is our main priority where all the unused materials end up and our job is to return them to their corresponding spots; depending on designer, shape, material content and use. We were shown all of the different areas that materials are stored, and I’m not going to lie it was overwhelming and a bit confusing.

We attacked “The Basket” and it wasn’t that bad and of course everyone was more than happy to help us out if we forgot where something went or if we got confused. Before we knew it, it was already lunch time and to my surprise everyone ate together. It was great we all ate at one table just talking and getting to know one another. We felt like we were part of the team atmosphere, it felt wonderful. After lunch it was back to sorting and just watching all the designers work like busy bees. They were all laughing, and collaborating about their different projects and just enjoying their work.

After lunch, around 3 p.m. I was offered the opportunity to go along to a client’s home; there was mix up with ordering and new measurements need to be taken. I was more than excited to go and see a space they designed in person. It was right there in the city and it was beautiful; a contemporary space with a mix of rustic charm and accents of purple in the home went perfectly together. That small trip was such a great treat, especially it being on my first day and I can’t wait to see more installations as the summer goes by. Until the end of the day we sorted and reorganized the samples. By then it was the end of the day, I went home with samples of my choice and a smile on my face.

The experiences I will gain while working alongside these brilliant designers will help me strive in my third year at UW-Stevens Point and as I prepare myself to intern in London this coming spring semester. Overall my first day at Havens Interiors LTD was a complete success and I am happy to be working alongside such inspirational and talented women.
Until next time,
Monica Castillo is a junior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in interior architecture major with an international studies minor.