A fifth-grade teacher at Adams-Friendship Elementary School is the recipient of the Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom’s Outstanding Teacher Award. UW-Stevens Point School of Education alumna Heather (Gayton) Grabarski ’13 was selected by members of the Wisconsin Farm Bureau’s Agriculture in the Classroom program, which recognizes teachers for their efforts in teaching students the importance of agriculture.
“Heather works with her local Ag in the Classroom program, county extension office, Master Gardener Program and others to build a network of resources for her classroom,” said Ag in the Classroom Coordinator Darlene Arneson. “She also has used World Dairy Expo tours, science fairs and other hands-on activities to enhance her student’s learning experiences.”
Grabarski earned her bachelor’s degree in elementary education from UW-Stevens Point with a minor in music. She is currently working on a master’s degree in professional development with an emphasis on challenging advanced learners at UW-Whitewater.
She will be Wisconsin’s nominee for the National Excellence in Teaching Agriculture Award and will receive a cash award.
courtesy of Wisconsin Ag Connection – 12/09/2016