It’s not uncommon to find siblings attending the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. But not many sisters and brothers have the experience of starting college, taking nearly all their classes and preparing for graduation as a group of two – or three.
As sisters and triplets, Rachel, Fran and Jackie Weiss have had this special university experience. The three are seniors in the School of Education within the College of Professional Studies at UW-Stevens Point.
“It’s not weird for us,” Jackie explained. “When we’re together and in the same classes, we don’t even think about it.”
“I think it’s weirder for professors,” Fran added, laughing.
In Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin, the Weiss triplets grew up in teaching roles – babysitting, leading Sunday school and Girl Scout camp activities, and volunteering in their community. The three also worked for five years as teaching assistants in elementary summer school classes.
After completing high school, it came as no surprise to family and friends as the sisters went on to study and prepare for careers in education.
Although the three had no initial plans to attend the same college, the Weiss triplets stayed close to their hometown and enrolled in UW-Washington County before transferring to UW-Stevens Point in the fall of 2015.
“We wanted to attend a university with a good education program,” Rachel explained. “We toured the campus, we loved it, and it was a good feeling.”
“UWSP is an in-between size,” Jackie added. “There are things to do, yet it’s not a super big city, but it’s also not super small.”
All three are happy with their decision and agree the professors at UW-Stevens Point have made them confident in their choice.
“I talk to friends at other schools, and I think we have really good professors here,” Jackie explained.
“They give you so many opportunities to go into the classroom and get involved to gain experience in teaching,” Fran said.
“When you have your own classroom, as a teacher, you have a good model to reference,” Rachel added. “The professors here want you to have a good experience.”
Krista Slemmons, assistant professor of biology at UW-Stevens Point, described Jackie and Fran as smart, hard working and meticulous in class.
“And, to top it off, they are creative, witty and fun,” Slemmons said. “I know they will do amazing things and be great teachers – the kind students will always remember.”
Consistently on the dean’s list, the Weiss triplets admit they are academically competitive with each other, but in a positive, encouraging way. “We push each other to do well,” Rachel said.
The sisters recently took a course together over winterim with Perry Cook, professor of education at UW-Stevens Point.
“They are outstanding students and future educators,” Cook said. “They have wise questions to pose, are eager to learn and to apply everything right away, and they care deeply about becoming the best educators they can.”
“I told them I was sad they weren’t sextuplets because I’d love another three of them in class – they got a kick out of that,” Cook added. “They have an amazing future ahead of them.”
Each sister is pursuing a different subject area in education. Jackie would like to teach English as a second language, Fran is interested in middle school math, and Rachel is focusing on secondary science.
“We used to think there may be competition getting a job among us, but I don’t think that’ll be the case anymore,” Jackie said, laughing.
As the Weiss triplets look ahead to completing their degrees and teaching, they recognize it may be the first time the three are no longer together in a classroom setting.
“UW-Stevens Point has been really fun, and the people we’ve met have been great,” Fran said.
“We feel ready to teach our own classrooms and students,” Rachel added.
Jackie, Fran and Rachel Weiss will graduate in December, after student teaching this fall. To learn more about the School of Education at UW-Stevens Point, visit www.uwsp.edu/education.