Excellence and service of UW-Stevens Point faculty and staff, including two from the College of Professional Studies, was recognized Tuesday, April 25 at the University Awards Reception in the Dreyfus University Center Alumni Room.

Academic Staff Excellence Award
Cathy Scheder, Ed.D.
Administrative Program Specialist – School of Education
Working in the school’s Office of Graduate Studies and Professional Development, Cathy has helped the master’s program grow and a new program in educational sustainability achieve accreditation.
This award recognizes academic staff members for their contributions made to their unit, department and/or university. Any or all of the following should be considered when making the nomination: excellence in performance, personal interaction, initiative and creativity, and outstanding achievement.

Excellence in Teaching Award
Jodi Olmsted, RDH, Ph.D.
Associate Professor – Health Science
Jodi uses real life examples and her extensive knowledge of health care to encourage and inspire students.
This award recognizes the importance of distinguished teaching and the contributions of outstanding teachers emphasizing the commitment of the university to teaching excellence. Award winners have stimulated students toward an active interest in learning and scholarship.