My name is Jackie Braun, and next fall I will be entering my senior and final year at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (UWSP) where I am pursuing a degree in dietetics with a minor in psychology. I compete on the Pointers women’s diving team which elicited my passion for sports nutrition, a field I hope to pursue as a future career.
This summer I will be spending 10 weeks in Nome, Alaska, as a Summercise intern. Summercise is an award-winning youth program hosted by the Norton Sound Health Corporation that focuses on diabetes prevention through nutrition and physical activity. Each year, more than 250 kids from the Nome community participate in the six-week camp. I will be working specifically with five- and six-year-olds, teaching them healthy habits through gymnastics, swimming/diving, treasure hunts and basic cooking classes. For the past two years, I have taught Sunday School and worked in a church nursery, and I have always loved working with kids. They have such a thirst for learning, and they often say just the silliest things!
When not coordinating Summercise camp activities, myself and six other interns from all over the country will also have the opportunity to assist in various community programs including WIC, school lunch, Head Start, community screenings and public service announcements, all of which promote healthy living. As a future registered dietitian, it is my responsibility to help connect community members with healthy, sustainable food and physical activity choices, while educating and empowering them with the tools necessary to continue this connection throughout their life.
I am confident that my food and nutrition background, as well as psychology courses at UWSP, have prepared me to make a positive impact in the Nome community this summer. I am extremely anxious and excited to experience the rich traditions and culture of this small, secluded town, as I adjust to the cold weather, high prices, and more than 20 hours of sunlight each day! I hope to keep everyone updated on my experiences as often as I can!
Jackie Braun ’18 is a dietetics major and psychology minor at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.