HPW Student Internship Experience – Brittany Penn Spring 17′
Interning at Wausau Academy of Dance was a wonderful experience for coordinating and implementing a wellness program for a site that has never had a wellness program. I was a part of the process from the beginning of creating what the program would look like for the families that attended Wausau Academy of Dance. Each month I created a bulletin board as well as a monthly newsletter displaying the wellness dimension of the month. I created and designed a wellness blog that published weekly posts that dove deeper into the dimension of the month. An aspect of the blog also involved creating a monthly challenge for the students and families to participate in to further their understanding about the dimension at hand. Within each month I planned, coordinated and aided in the facilitation of a family wellness event that related to the monthly wellness dimension. Throughout all of the different events and information avenues being created each month, I felt that I had a vast amount of creative license. I was also able to draw on my previous knowledge and personal training experience and aide in the design of a strength and conditioning, stretch and recovery programs for students and instructors. I am featured with the April bulletin board in the picture above. I drew upon different pictures, quotes and articles for inspiration for each bulletin board. Each one was created to highlight the larger aspects of each dimension and allow for the viewers to be intrigued and wanting to learn more.
Other requirements of internship:
Fulfillment of security clearance and background checks; pre-employment/internship drug screening and immunization records are the responsibility of the intern site and not UWSP unless otherwise indicated by the affiliation agreement. Professional liability insurance is recommended for interns working directly with clients. This is the responsibility of the student and at their expense.
- Behavior:
- Give the students knowledge of the seven dimensions of wellness by creating a monthly wellness challenge for the students of WAOD
- Create an incentive for the students of WAOD for completing the monthly challenge
- Develop and distribute a pre and post wellness survey to those students and families interested in participating
- Offer strength and conditioning tips, advice and sessions to those students interested increasing strength, flexibility, mobility or agility
- Promotion and Marketing:
- Develop a health and wellness blog to be posted and connected with the WAOD social media sources
- Create a monthly wellness newsletter for the WAOD families about a wellness topic and information on the monthly family wellness event
- Keep a bulletin board up to date in the lobby of the studio with information pertaining to the topic of the monthly newsletter
- Develop promotional materials for the monthly family wellness event
- Organizational Experiences:
- Create a detailed schedule of topics for the health and wellness blog and the monthly newsletter
- Organize a monthly family wellness event for families to attend
- Research information needed to put together a fun run/walk in the Wausau area (If possible)
- Compare the information collected on the wellness surveys at the beginning of the semester and the end of the semester
On-Site Supervisor
Rebecca Bauer
734 South 17th Ave
Wausau, WI 54401
20-25 hours per week, Fridays 8am-3pm in office
UW-Stevens Point Students Who Completed Internship
- Brittany Penn, Spring 2017 (pictured above)