Overall Goal of Internship
At completion of this internship, the intern will gain an excellent understanding and knowledge of how Mayo Clinic Health System – La Crosse provides a variety of health and wellness programs to employees/community-sponsored events. The intern will gain experience in behavior change facilitation including Health Risk Assessment, intervention, and reassessment, and will create promotional and marketing projects to increase participation or sales. The organizational experiences will allow for some supervision of an event, small budget experiences, in-service training, and shadowing of the internship supervisor. The intern will work with and be supervised by the Mayo Clinic Health System – Franciscan Healthcare on-site internship supervisor, Joyce Mlsna. The intern will complete experiences as outlined by the following specific objectives and be evaluated on his/her performance in each of these areas.
The student will complete 3-4 resume-building experiences from the categories below. Specific projects and outcomes may be added as addendum to this plan within the first 2 weeks of being on-site. Significant changes to the Objectives will be mutually agreed upon by the Internship site supervisor, the student intern, and the UWSP internship supervisor and documentation of these changes will be sent to the UWSP internship supervisor.
- Behavior:
- Develop a 30-day behavior change challenge for Mayo Clinic-Franciscan Healthcare employees
- Observe the 12-week A New Me: Healthy Balance Matters lifestyle management education program including small group coaching
- Participate in a personal coaching session with Health Promotion staff
- Educate employees on nutrition with Harvest of the Month recipes and taste-testing in the cafeteria
- Observe Health Promotion staff interact with and provide wellness services to external employers and health plan members
- Attend the Financial Fitness and Mind-Body seminar series presentations offered to employees
- Assist Health Promotion staff at external health fairs and biometric screenings as scheduled
- Participate in an Excel data training and sample exercise to gain experience in measuring health outcomes
- Promotion and Marketing:
- Create a promotional flyer and educational newsletters for behavior change challenge
- Reformat promotional materials for Harvest of the Month
- Promote the importance of good health by developing health tips for area schools and businesses
- Organizational Experiences:
- Meet with department director on the “You Matter” program budget
- Attend staff meetings, Well County-La Crosse and Pioneering Healthier Communities-Move More meetings with supervisor/staff
Joyce Mlsna
Health Promotion Coordinator
700 West Ave S
La Crosse, WI 54601
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday (off Fridays); flex schedule one day per week for A New Me program attendance until 6:30 p.m.; minimal travel
UW-Stevens Point Students Who Completed Internship
- Ashley Schmidt, Fall 2015 (pictured above)
- Emily Buechler, Fall 2015
- Ethan Borchardt, Spring 2016
- Emily Buechler, Fall 2015
- Ashley Schmidt, Fall 2015
- Michelle Wanty, Fall 2015
- Nicholas Petrulis, Summer 2014