The UW-Stevens Point School of Health Promotion and Human Development presented nearly $15,000 in scholarships at its 2018 Awards Reception Thursday, April 19 in the College of Professional Studies Building. [Photo Gallery]
Donor Speaker: Professor Emeritus John Munson
John created the first academic wellness program in the United States at UW-Stevens Point. He led the School of Health Promotion and Human Development as its associate dean from 1996-2002. John also served on the Board of Directors for the National Wellness Institute from 2011-17. John is intimately involved with his local and global community as he leads service trips through Methodists in Mission to Ghana, Africa, where he and trip participants assist communities and school leaders to educate citizens by building employment opportunities and by providing remote medical care services.
Alumni Speaker: Yvonne D. Greer ’76
Yvonne D. Greer, MPH, RD, CD, owner of Y-EAT Right … Nutritional Consulting for Healthy Living in Milwaukee, provides expert nutritional advice and skill building workshops to promote healthy eating behaviors in youth and family, schools, faith-based and community settings. She worked 22 years as nutritionist coordinator for the City of Milwaukee Health Department. Presently, she actively partners with the Wisconsin Chronic Disease Prevention Program – Wisconsin Diabetes Advisory Group, Wisconsin healthTide Wavemaker Initiative, Milwaukee County Organizations Promoting Prevention Coalition, and sits on the Board of Friedens Community Ministries Food Pantry Network. Ms. Greer started college at the age of 16 and obtained a Bachelor of Science degree from UW-Stevens Point with a double major in dietetics and experimental foods. She went on to earn a Master of Public Health degree (MPH) from the University of Minnesota and is currently a doctoral candidate working on a Doctor of Public Health (DrPH) degree through Walden University.
College of Professional Studies Student Heroes Award
Madyson Main (Click for video)
Initially started as a scholarship created and funded by the friends and family of Casey Gazdik, a health promotion/wellness major who was suddenly struck ill and died from blastomycosis (a rare lung infection) in 2001, was transformed into the Heroes Award. The Student Heroes Award honors one College of Professional Studies student each year who has done something heroic. In some cases the recipient has overcome a challenge, in other cases they have been advocates for something bigger than themselves, and in yet other cases, they have helped someone in need. The award will include a $1,000 scholarship.
Ethel and Ward Cable Family Faculty Heroes Award
Annie Wetter (Click for video)
The Ethel and Ward Cable Family Faculty Heroes Award honors one College of Professional Studies faculty or staff member each year who has done something heroic. In some cases the recipient has been heavily involved in an organization or community activity, in other cases they have developed a program to meet a community need or the needs of an individual; and in many cases they involved UW-Stevens Point students in their cause. The award will include a $1,000 (non-salary) grant to advance the work of the program or cause. This fund was established by Dick Cable and Judy Cable Anderson, as an opportunity for the Cable Family to honor their mother and Father, Ethel and Ward Cable. This fund provides additional financial support to a faculty and/or department program or initiative that is deemed “heroic” in nature by the dean of the College of Professional Studies.
Marlene A. Jensen-Cable Scholarship
Recipient: Heidi Topping
This scholarship was established by Dick Cable in memory of his wife, Marlene. This scholarship is part of the Cable Family of Funds, which also includes the Ethel and Ward Cable Family Heroes Fund. Marlene’s parents were living in Rosholt at the time of her birth at St. Michael’s Hospital in Stevens Point. Her father had a dental practice in Rosholt; however, after his discharge from the Navy in 1945, Dr. Jensen moved his practice and family to Stevens Point where Marlene attended school. Prior to her senior year in college, Marlene and Dick Cable married on Aug. 8, 1959. About the middle of her final semester, Marlene signed a contract to teach in Whiting/Stevens Point upon graduation in June. She was forced to terminate the contract when she found out she was pregnant. The school system did not allow a pregnant woman to teach at that time. How things have changed. Marlene and Dick, and their four children, Kurt, Dan, Kathy and Jodi, moved to Eau Claire in 1972, where Marlene continued to be a full-time mom. She did find time to get involved in several community groups including Trinity Lutheran Church, PEO, the University Book Group, and UW-Eau Claire Foundation. One group in which Marlene was particularly passionate was the University’s Single Parent Scholarship Fund which she helped start. What she liked most about this fund, was that it helped women with children and very few resources, obtain a college education. It was most fitting that when Marlene passed away in 2009 after a long siege with liver cancer, friends began a new Single Parent Fund at UWEC in her honor. The fund was named “The Heroes Fund” in which Marlene was to be the FIRST Hero, with others being named and added in the future. Everyone has a hero, and Marlene has been a hero to her family and friends, for SURE!
Jack Lane Memorial Scholarship
Recipient: Lexi Grzanna
Jack Lane was employed by the Soo Railroad and stationed in Stevens Point. An avid runner and community volunteer, Jack unfortunately suffered a fatal heart attack early in his life. Jack was a very outgoing person and an avid outdoorsman who loved to hunt and fish. His family established the Jack Lane memorial fund in his honor and contributed the initial support. Jack’s good friend Ron Cook, Health Promotion person at Sentry Insurance was instrumental in establishing this scholarship and has contributed yearly to keep it going. His wife, Colleen Lane, still lives in the Stevens Point area.
Dr. Barbara Inch Non-Traditional Scholarship for Women
Recipients: Amanda Butalla and Katie Kesan
This scholarship was established to help support the costs of a non-traditional women, single parent to attend UWSP.
Bud Steiner Memorial Scholarship
Recipients: Sophie Forbes and Isaiah Harmison
Oliver (Bud) Steiner was a 1965 graduate of UWSP who was one of the original three student managers of the then new University Center in the early sixties. After graduation he continued his employment with the Centers and was the longtime Assistant Director of the three University Centers, mainly responsible for daily operations and facilities. He also advised the Recreational Services area for many years and had responsibilities for the University Store and for University Dining. Around 1980, he became one of the Assistants to the Assistant Chancellor of Student Life, responsible for all of the business functions of the campus auxiliaries (Centers, Housing, and Dining). He served in this capacity until his untimely death in 1987. Bud was killed while riding his bike across Canada. He was trying to ride 5,000 miles and raise $50,000 for scholarships. He was killed by a young man coming home after a night of drinking.
Agnes A. Jones Undergraduate Home Economics Scholarship
Recipients: Dana Derenne, Dallas Stelter and Fawnda Witmer
Dr. Agnes (Anderson) Jones was a high school home economics teacher, a supervisor of home economics student teachers at UW-Madison, Home Economics Department Chair at Northern Illinois University before she was appointed as head of Home Economics at what was then Wisconsin State College-Stevens Point in 1957. For the next 24 years, Dr. Jones headed home economics in its most successful years when enrollment grew from 100 to almost 800. Dr. Jones and her faculty were innovative creators of programs and during one five-year period received more than half a million federal dollars. She and Dr. Bonnie McDonald were early pioneers in the Wisconsin Head Start program. Dr. Jones is well known for personality advising over 200 students and for her active role in assuring employment for the graduates.
Dora Phelps Scholarship
Recipients: Lacie Ligman and Dallas Stelter
This scholarship was established to honor Dora Phelps’ contributions to the School of Home Economics. As a program assistant she gave service beyond the call of duty to both students and faculty. Her capacity for work, efficiency, accuracy, patience, and good nature as well as her interest in the students and the knowledge of the School of Home Economics. She was a court reporter prior to her work at UWSP.
Lenice Christine Merrill Eskritt Scholarship Fund
Recipient: Heidi Topping
Lenice Christine Merrill Eskritt was a housewife and mother, much loved by her family. Her sensitivity and compassion to her fellow beings served as an example to all who knew her. She was a very intelligent person, who, for whatever reason, was not able to continue her education beyond high school. This scholarship honors her being and potential in the desire that others in similar circumstances may be assisted in developing their potential through education.
Paul J. Staddler Honorary Scholarship
Recipient: Shawnie Sarkkinen
This scholarship was endowed for several reasons. Paul Staddler was a graduate of UWSP in 1982 with a degree in physical education and health education. His professional career then took him into jobs such as a Service Manager for The Restaurant at Sentry Insurance, pharmaceutical sales, and a teaching position in the Wisconsin Rapids Public Schools system as a health education teacher. Both Paul and his wife Doris, who is also a UWSP graduate, worked their way through college by way of loans, jobs, and occasional scholarship. This scholarship was a life-goal of Paul’s as a way to assist future UWSP students with their college expenses. Paul also felt the scholarship was one way to honor the professional instructors of UWSP and the guidance and many kindnesses they offered in his time at UWSP. He hopes that, at some point in their lies, the recipients of this scholarship will find the means and opportunities to enhance the lives of future UWSP students in a manner they see fit.
John and Barb Munson Health Promotion Award
Recipient: Hailey Hoepner
To provide a scholarship in health promotion.
Grace Hendel Dietetics Scholarship
Recipient: Holly Krey
This scholarship was established by the friends, family, and colleagues of Grace Hendel in 1996 to honor her at the time of her retirement.
Fay Finch Clifford Scholarship
Recipients: Macey Staab and Malia Xiong
This scholarship was established in memory of Fay Finch Clifford who received her undergraduate degree in Home Economics from the University of North Dakota-Grand Forks. She completed her Master’s Degree in Home Economics at University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1963. Fay was a faculty member at UW- Stevens Point until her retirement. These scholarships were given to honor a loving mother and dedicated teacher.
Judy Lubenow Honorary Scholarship Fund
Recipient: Kelsey Fiedler
Judy spent 36 years in the dietetics field, many of which were at St. Michael’s Hospital in Stevens Point. She had a passion for UWSP students in dietetics as she spent time with them throughout her career. In dealing with patients, especially in the dialysis unit, Judy found that they were in inspiration. She hopes that someone can enjoy the profession as much as she did. Creating a scholarship for a student has been a lone time dream for Judy and this scholarship was created to help students who share the same passion for dietetics as she had.
Rita Youman’s Scholarship
Recipients: Amanda Butalla, Cora Selke and Jessica Vlach
This scholarship was established by Dr. Rita Youmans, a former head of the Home Economics Department at UWSP.
Jane Wright Abrahamsen Home Economics Scholarship
Recipient: Dan Kellner and Amanda Wroblewski
This scholarship was created to honor the late Jane Wright Abrahamsen, by her husband Martin. Jane was a native of Mauston who received a degree in home economics in 1928 and a bachelor’s degree in home economics education in 1933, both from the Stevens Point Normal School. She then went on to get her master’s degree from UW-Madison in 1936. She then started her professional career by teaching home economics at high schools in Ithica, WI and Ironwood, MI. She then taught in the Montgomery County Schools in Maryland for 21 years, earning an outstanding teacher award from the state of Maryland.
Donald and Eleanor Ansay Memorial FCS Scholarship
Recipients: Bethany Buenning, Michael Friedel and Miranda Stroik
This scholarship was established by UW-Stevens Point alumna, Karen McCulloch, to honor the memory of her parents, Donald and Eleanor Ansay. The Ansays firmly believed in the value of education. Their four children and several of their grandchildren attended UW-Stevens Point. Karen, herself, earned a Bachelor’s of Science in Home Economics Education from UWSP in 1975 and a Master’s of Science in 1978.
John and Catherine Lader Scholarship
Recipients: Ciara Ricci and Heather Stocks
Catherine (Hill) Lader earned two degrees from the University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point in FCS Education. The education she received at UWSP served her well as a classroom teacher, FCCLA adviser, state supervisor of FCS at the WI Department of Public Instruction, and a member of the National FCCLA Consultant Team. Catherine was heavily influenced by two role models at UWSP-Dr. Fern Horn and Dr. Agnes Jones. Both of these women were pioneers in the field of FCS and were dedicated to preparing their students thoroughly for a career in FCS. John and Catherine Lader continue to support FCS along with FCCLA, and believe every secondary school in the state needs to have a FCS program.
Booth/Hardin Scholarship
Recipients: Maham Khan
This scholarship was established in 2008 by UW-Stevens Point communication alumna (‘87) Melissa Hardin and health promotion/wellness alumnus (‘89) Robert Booth. Both discovered a love of travel while at UW-Stevens Point. Melissa participated in the semester study abroad program traveling to Taiwan, Hong Kong and mainland China in 1985. Bob and Melissa spent Christmas break of 1986 traveling throughout Western Europe and have since become world travelers. This award recognizes that we are all citizens of the world. Both donors hope to help students experience cultural diversity through international travel opportunities. It is awarded to a Health Promotion and Human Development major to support participation in a semester abroad program, a mini-course abroad, or an international conference.
Bessie May Allen Home Economics Scholarship
Recipient: Hannah Mauel
This scholarship was established by Bessie May Allen, Director of the Home Economics Department at UWSP for 39 years. Bessie May Allen shaped the home economics program at UWSP, taking it from a two-year course of study to a four-year program. She was vital in keeping the program alive, bringing it back to campus after the Board of Regents had voted to eliminate it. These awards were granted prior to her death in 1969, and continue to be made possible by her last will and testament.
Sheri Hall Outstanding Senior in HPW Award
Recipient: Brittany Zander
This scholarship was created to recognize excellence in academic achievement and involvement in an outstanding senior majoring in health promotion.
Health Promotion and Human Development Faculty Alumni Scholarship
Recipient: Katie Uhlenbrauck
This scholarship was established through gifts from the School of Health Promotion and Human Development faculty and alumni and is awarded to exceptional current sophomore, junior or senior.
Sadie Stevens Memorial Study Abroad Award
Recipient: Jenna Varner
This scholarship was established by Lucy Rose Johns in memory of her grandmother who only had a formal 7th grade education, but taught Lucy more than anyone. When Lucy was in college, she couldn’t even think of an overseas program because of financial concerns. She has since studied abroad several times and would like to enable a current student to participate. Broadening of one’s horizons is pure education. The intent of this award is to give students in the College of Professional Studies the opportunity to study/serve abroad. In order to be eligible, student must have financial need, not studied abroad in the past, be open minded, accepting of other cultures and traditions, and ready to open themselves up to new opportunities that may be outside their comfort zone..
Jane Jones Scholarship
Recipient: Claire Gorman
This scholarship is awarded to current sophomore, junior or senior health promotion and wellness majors who maintain a GPA of 3.0 or better.
Ski Memorial Scholarship
Recipient: Madeleine Kinscher
This scholarship is for a student majoring in health promotion and wellness. Applicants must provide one reference letter from an employer or professor and write an essay addressing the following question: What resources do you seek to promote supporting health and positivity every day?