The UW-Stevens Point athletic training program welcomed Senator Patrick Testin to campus for a tour of our facilities and to learn more about research conducted as a part of the Neinas Concussion Initiative on March 4. Our undergrad and graduate students put Senator Testin to the test with baseline assessments using virtual reality, Biodex Balance System and Dynavision. View Photos
Testin was joined by Heidi Gutschow, president of the Wisconsin Athletic Trainers’ Association, and Matt Phillips, the WATA legislative liaison.
Senator Testin Completes Dynavision Testing at UWSP
Senator Patrick Testin completed a baseline test on the UW-Stevens Point Dynavision, a light-training reaction device, developed to train sensory motor integration through the visual system. Our undergrad and graduate athletic training students use the Dynavision as a part of the Neinas Concussion Initiative to support student-athletes to return to play after injury.
Posted by UWSP School of Health Care Professions on Monday, March 4, 2019