The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point celebrated teachers and future educators at the 2019 Oscar W. Neale Celebration of Teaching and Learning in the Dreyfus University Center Laird Room on Monday, April 29. [Photo Gallery]
The School of Education awarded 80 awards totaling $106,530 as student award winners, alumni teachers, donors and cooperating teachers were honored at the banquet. We also were inspired by the words of alumni Dacia Leigh Giordana ’16, winner of the Neale Fellowship, and Elizabeth O’Leary ’18. Congrats to all the award winners!
Oscar W. Neale Presentation
Dacia Giordana
Middle School and High School Spanish Teacher Marshfield School District
Alumna Speaker
Elizabeth O’Leary
B.S. 2018, Elementary Education, Special Education, Intellectual Disabilities, Emotional Behavioral Disabilities Special Education teacher at Allis Elementary in Madison, WI
UW-Stevens Point Aspiring Educators Award For Excellence In Teaching
Recipient: Elizabeth O’Leary
Kappa Delta Pi, Epsilon Chapter Award For Excellence In Teaching
Recipient: Rachel Gottlieb
UW-Stevens Point Student Council For Exceptional Children Award For Excellence In Teaching
Recipient: Elizabeth Diaz
Students For Health, Physical Education And Recreation Award For Excellence In Teaching
Recipient: Courtney Vaughan
Wisconsin Association Of Colleges For Teacher Education Pre-Service Educator Mentor Award
Recipient: Kris Kunkel
Bannach Elementary School, Stevens Point, WI
Wisconsin Association Of Colleges For Teacher Education Early Career Educator Award
Recipient: Dacia Giordana
Spanish Teacher, Marshfield School District
University Of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Tom Hayes Memorial Award For Outstanding Service To Teacher Education
Recipient: Jada Mach
Major: Mathematics
Minor: Accounting
Larsen Family Scholarship
Recipient: Rachel Langeberg
Major: Elementary Education
Minor: English as a Second Language
Nancy Carol Cook Memorial Scholarship
Recipient: Halee Fritsch
Majors: Elementary Education, Spanish Minor: English as a Second Language
Thomas McCaig Future Teacher Scholarship
Recipient: Macey Staab
Major: Family and Consumer Sciences
Minor: Health Education
Yulga Family Future Teacher Memorial Scholarship
Jake Spaude
Major: Natural Science
Minor: Chemistry
Oscar W. Neale Memorial Scholarship In Elementary Education
Recipient: Carolyn Klemp
Majors: Elementary Education, Special Education
Minor: Specific Learning Disabilities
Erma Haferbecker Scholarship
Recipient: Rhiana Sweno
Major: Elementary Education
Minor: Mathematics
Eddie Kotal Scholarship
Recipient: Melissa Angove
Major: Physical Education
Minor: Health
Belongia Family Scholarship
Recipient: Ariana Shefchik
Major: Elementary Education
Minors: English, English as a Second Language
Vance Family Memorial Scholarship
Recipient: Nicki Taves
Major: Early Childhood Education
Minor: Early Childhood Special Education
Van Dreser Family Scholarship
Recipient: Jonathan Decker
Major: Elementary Education
Van Dreser Bay Scholarship
Recipient: Hannah Hallas
Incoming First-Year Student
Jensen Scholarship
Recipient: Charity Shaw
Major: Mathematics
Sean Maher Scholarship
Recipient: Scott McKenzie
Major: Psychology
Minor: Sociology
Hale Quandt Memorial Award
Recipient: Kathleen Reilly
Major: Physical Education
Minor: Health Education
Patricia A. Okray Scholarship
Recipient: Anja Werner
Major: Broadfield Social Science
Minor: History
Recipient: Jasmine Van Sluys
Major: Spanish
Minor: English as a Second Language
Nancy Page Scholarship
Recipient: Brooke Wellhausen
Major: Physical Education
Minor: Health Education
Rossmiller Family Scholarship
Recipient: Jessica Doll
Major: Physical Education
Dorothea Berndt-Harju Scholarship
Recipient: Jessica Weaver
Major: Elementary Education
Minor: Environmental Education
John Bernd Scholarship
Recipient: Ashton Kusch
Major: Elementary Education
Rosemary And Sue Nelson Scholarship
Recipient: Kaitlyn Schulz
Majors: Elementary Education, Special Education
Minors: Mathematics, Specific Learning Disabilities
Craig And Carol Locascio Scholarship
Recipient: Shamaira Wipfli
Major: Elementary Education
Minor: Broadfield Social Science
Arlene W. Thoyre Education Scholarship
Recipient: Hannah Winden
Major: Elementary Education
Habeck Family Scholarship
Recipient: Amanda Kyle
Majors: Natural Science, Biology
Jensen Scholarship
Recipient: Andrea Braatz
Major: Natural Science
Minor: Biology
Arlene W. Thoyre Education Scholarship
Recipient: Bridget Schnaufer
Major: Elementary Education
Franklin H. Pearson Memorial Scholarship
Recipient: Olivia Kranz
Majors: Elementary Education, Special Education
Minors: Specific Learning Disabilities, Emotional Behavioral Disabilities
Mary Shorey Samter Memorial Scholarship
Recipient: Haley Hartmann
Major: Elementary Education
Minor: English as a Second Language
John Gach Future Teacher Memorial Scholarship
Recipient: Regina Tepp
Major: Elementary Education
Minor: Broadfield Social Science
Robert S. And Ruth L. Lewis Scholarship
Recipient: Kelsey Weecks
Major: Family and Consumer Sciences
Roger Wood Memorial Scholarship
Recipient: Jane Kubisiak
Major: Elementary Education
Minor: Environmental Education
Paul J. Staddler Honorary Scholarship
Recipient: Brooke Wellhausen
Major: Physical Education
Minor: Health Education
Dr. Marjorie J. Spring Adapted Physical Education Scholarship
Recipient: Sylvester Deitelhoff
Major: Physical Education
Minor: Health Education
Harriet Coey Dickmann Future Teacher Memorial Scholarship
Recipient: Heidi Propson
Major: English
Esther L. Berndt Reading Specialist Scholarship
Recipient: Nicole Sauter
Reading Teacher Certification Program
Rohloff, Roesler And Wolter Memorial Future Teacher Scholarship
Recipient: Nicholas Bielski
Major: Special Education
Minors: Intellectual Disabilities, Specific Learning Disabilities
Rose Lee Petersen Memorial Scholarship
Recipient: Mackenzie Glodowski
Major: Early Childhood Education
Minor: Early Childhood: Special Education
Recipient: McKayla Johnson
Major: Early Childhood Education
Minor: Early Childhood: Special Education
Karen Engelhard Alumni Scholarship
Recipient: Jacqueline Kimball
Major: Elementary Education Minor: English
Betty W. Martini Memorial Scholarship
Recipient: Sydney Dorschner
Major: Special Education
Minors: Intellectual Disabilities, Specific Learning Disabilities
Margaret Daffinson Scholarship
Recipient: Traci Fuehrer
Major: Early Childhood Education
Minor: Early Childhood: Special Education
Phyllis Ravey Scholarship For Early Childhood Education
Recipient: Katelyn Hilbelink
Major: Early Childhood Education
Minors: Early Childhood: Special Education, English as a Second Language
Carol Huettig Scholarship
Recipient: Kathleen Reilly
Major: Physical Education
Minor: Health Education
Sienglinde A. Sheahan Scholarship
Recipient: Alisha Pillsbury
Major: Elementary Education
Minor: Broadfield Social Science
Colonel M. And Phyllis Nemec Scholarship
Recipient: Melissa Angove
Major: Physical Education
Minor: Health Education
Recipient: Brian Pagel Major:
Physical Education
Minor: Health Education
Recipient: Matthew Fortun
Major: Physical Education
Minor: Health Education
Recipient: Courtney Yanko
Major: Physical Education
Minor: Health Education
School Of Education Alumni Scholarship
Recipient: Jennifer Ortega
Educational Sustainability (Ed.D.) Program
Dustin Proefrock Memorial Scholarship
Recipient: Jonathan Panis
Major: Mathematics
Gordon Family Memorial Future Teacher Scholarship
Recipient: Lauren Luedtke
Major: Elementary Education
Minor: English as a Second Language
Kappa Delta Pi Scholarship
Recipient: Kaylie Schelinske
Major: Elementary Education Minor: Spanish
Ken And Sandy Falkinham Scholarship
Recipient: Faith Schmidt
Major: Elementary Education
Minor: English as a Second Language
Recipient: Sarah Peterson
Major: Early Childhood Education
Minor: Early Childhood: Special Education
Ambrose And Evelyn Budzynski Scholarship
Recipient: Elyse Batien
Major: Biology
Mildred K. Schiller Education Scholarship
Recipient: Emily Jones
Majors: Instrumental and General Music Education
Minor: Intellectual Disabilities
Recipient: Kelsey Weecks
Major: Family and Consumer Sciences
Recipient: Mariah Bethel
Major: Special Education
Minors: Intellectual Disabilities, Specific Learning Disabilities, Health Education
Recipient: Sadie Hooker
Major: Family and Consumer Sciences
Minor: Health Education
Dick Berndt Scholarship
Recipient: Kathleen Reilly
Major: Physical Education
Minor: Health Education
Dale H. & Eldora (Reineking) Vollrath Physical Education Scholarship
Recipient: Kathleen Reilly
Major: Physical Education
Minor: Health Education
Margaret And Henry Bannach Scholarship
Recipient: McKenna Prahl
Majors: Elementary Education, Special Education
Minor: Specific Learning Disabilities
Esther Gavin Hegg & Erling E. Hegg Memorial Scholarship
Recipient: Juliet Champion
Majors: Elementary Education, Special Education
Minor: Specific Learning Disabilities
Recipient: Kylie Johnson
Majors: Elementary Education, Special Education
Minor: Specific Learning Disabilities
Recipient: Katy Nachampassak
Major: Elementary Education
Minor: Creative Writing
Lenice Christine Merrill Eskritt Scholarship
Recipient: Nicki Taves
Major: Early Childhood Education
Minor: Early Childhood: Special Education
Luida Sanders Health Education Scholarship
Recipient: Hope Goes
Major: Elementary Education
Minor: Health Education
Knott Scholarship
Recipient: Kathleen Reilly
Major: Physical Education
Minor: Heatlh Education
Central Wisconsin Educators Scholarship
Recipient: Jordan Kaminski
Majors: Elementary Education, Early Childhood Education, Special Education
Minor: Specific Learning Disabilities
Teacher Education Program Excellence Scholarships
Recipient: Michael Aprill
Major: Social Science
Recipient: Haley Dunn
Major: Early Childhood Education
Minors: Early Childhood: Special Education, Music
Recipient: Kirsten Heil
Major: Early Childhood Education
Minor: Early Childhood: Special Education
Recipient: Katelyn Hilbelink
Major: Early Childhood Education
Minors: Early Childhood: Special Education, English as a Second Language
Recipient: Ellen Hodny
Major: Elementary Education
Minor: English as a Second Language
Recipient: Hannah Jackson
Major: Elementary Education
Minor: English as a Second Language
Recipient: Emily Rahn
Major: Instrumental Music Education
Recipient: Noah Sackman
Major: Mathematics
Recipient: Kiana Thompson
Majors: Elementary Education, Spanish, International Studies
Minor: English as a Second Language
Recipient: Katrina Xiong
Majors: Elementary Education, Special Education
Minor: Specific Learning Disabilities
Friend of the School of Education
Colonel N. Nemec