“Alex ordered up some great weather!” He sure did as it was an awesome day for nearly 50 participants to ruck, walk and run along the Wisconsin River and through the Stevens Point Sculpture Park for the fifth annual Reeder’s Ruck on May 4, 2019. Many thanks to the dozens of UW-Stevens Point ROTC cadets and volunteers who helped make it a huge success and remember Alex as a scholar, athlete, leader and friend. [Facebook Photo Gallery | Official Results]
The Ranger Challenge Club and ROTC program hosted the 8-mile ruck march or 4-mile run/walk along the Wisconsin River in Stevens Point to raise funds in support of the Alex Reeder Memorial Scholarship Endowment. Many participants carried a 35-pound backpack, while others enjoyed the run/walk with family, friends and dogs while remembering Alex.
Prior to the start of the event, LTC Wendy Tokach announced the Alex Reeder Memorial Scholarship reached the endowment mark as Stacy Reeder presented the final $1.
Alex was a senior psychology major at UW-Stevens Point where he was also a major part of the ROTC program as a third-year Pointer cadet preparing to serve his country as a leader in the U.S. Army. Alex joined the Pointer Battalion as a four-year scholarship winner and quickly rose to become the captain of the Pointers’ Ranger Challenge team. He distinguished himself with outstanding academic and physical achievement but will always be most remembered for his friendship and selfless desire to help others. Alex epitomized what it meant to be a UWSP Pointer cadet and a leader. This memorial ruck march is in honor of who he was and the legacy he left behind for others to follow. The funds gathered from this event will go to support the memorial scholarship presented to a Pointer cadet annually who exemplify the same commitment to excellence displayed by Alex.