The UW-Stevens Point School of Business and Economics handed out $108,975 through 78 scholarships as well as multiple awards to students and faculty at its 2021 Virtual Awards Presentation Friday, April 23 via an online video.
The School of Business and Economics is accredited by the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), ranking our program among the top 20 percent in the nation and top 5 percent in the world.
- Program Book
- Photo Album
- About the Scholarships
- About the Recipients (below)
Nicholas Aromatario from Woodbridge, Ontario, is majoring in business administration. Nicholas is a member of the Pointers men’s hockey team.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Lea Beckman from Merrill, Wis., is majoring in finance, while taking part in the MBA in Applied Leadership and Decision-Making. Lea is a member of the Merrill Ice Reflections Figure Skating Club and the Timberline Figure Skating club.
- MBA Scholars Award
Kaylee Benson from Elk River Minn., is double majoring in marketing and management. Kaylee is the vice president of communication for Gamms Phi Delta Sorority, as well as being the lead advisor for the Academic and Career Advising Center. She is a board member for the National Society of Leadership and Success and the Smiley Professional Pointer Events Advisory Board. Kaylee is also on the Pointers swimming and diving team.
- Scott and Julie Wallace Internship Scholarship
Kyle Beyersdorf from Appleton, Wis., is triple majoring in economics, political science, history and social studies education, with minors in Spanish and public administration and political analysis. Kyle is the public relations director for the UWSP Financial Literacy Association, as well as a resident assistant for the campus. He is also the graphic designer for the Student Government Association and a member in the International club.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Brandon Birkhauser from Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., is majoring in business administration with an emphasis in management. Brandon is a member of the Pointers football team and National Society of Leadership and Success. He volunteers with the Salvation Army bell ringers as well as the UWSP Pink football game for cancer research.
- Gordon Haferbecker Scholarship
Devon Bonikowski from Iola, Wis., is majoring in business management. Devon is a member of the Wisconsin Army National Guard.
- Randy and Patricia Cray Scholarship for Academic Achievement
Jared Chatterton from Kenosha Wis., is majoring in finance. Jared is member of the Student Government Association and the Public Relations Student Society of America.
He is also a part of the Pointers men’s swimming and
diving team.
- Northwestern Mutual Bob Taylor Scholarship
Taylor Ciesielski from Stevens Point, Wis., is majoring in business administration and minoring in accounting. Taylor is a member of the Stevens Point Noon Optimist Club.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
- Joey Trzebiatowski Scholarship
Kirstin Edens from Waukesha, Wis., is majoring in business administration with an emphasis in marketing with minors in dance and communication. Kirstin will be starting the MBA in Applied Leadership and Decision-Making program in the fall. She is a member of the Public Relations Student Society of America as the fundraising and philanthropy chair. Kirstin is also the social media and PR officer for the National Dance Education Organization, and a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success.
- MBA Scholars Award
Lydia Engelbreth from Neenah, Wis., is double majoring in business administration and marketing, with a minor in communication. Lydia is a member of CRU and volunteers with Habitat for Humanity.
- W.B. Greaton Scholarship
- MBA Scholars Award
- Joey Trzebiatowski Scholarship
Jenna Ewers from Clinton Wis., is majoring in business economics. Jenna is a student research assistant for the CREATE Portage County, as well as Smiley Pro Events intern. She is also a coach for Business 100 students.
- DaWalt Family Economics Scholarship
- SBE Student Worker of the Year Award
Jordan Fader from Rice Lake, Wis., is double majoring in accounting and finance, with a minor in economics. Jordan is the assistant captain of the Pointers men’s hockey team and youth mentor at the Ice Hawks Arena. He is a student tutor for accounting while being the treasurer for the UWSP Accounting Club.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Emma Fisher from Stevens Point Wis., is majoring in business administration, while double minoring in professional writing and economics. Emma is an executive board member of the National Society of Leadership and Success, as well as the marketing director for
Cornerstone Press.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Charlotte Fohner from Kronenwetter, Wis., is majoring in business administration. Charlotte has started her own non-profit this year.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Aidan Fredricks from Millstone, N.J., is triple majoring in accounting, business administration and marketing. Aidan is a member of multiple advisory boards on campus, including the Smiley Pro Events Advisory board. He is also part of the Financial Literacy Association, Accounting Club, and Public Relations Student Society of America.
- CliftonLarsonAllen LLP Accounting Scholarship
Kyle Gibson from Appleton, Wis., is double majoring in accounting and business administration. Kyle is a volunteer with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistant.
- W.B. Greaton Scholarship
Emily Gruber from Stevens Point, Wis., is double majoring in accounting and finance. Emily is a research assistant for the School of Business and Economics.
- Northwestern Mutual Bob Taylor Scholarship
Madison Hohn from Clintonville, Wis., is double majoring in business administration and marketing. Madison is the promotion and events coordinator for the Basement Brewhaus at UWSP. She is a member of Public Relations Society of America, as well as the Pointers women’s soccer team. Madison also volunteers with the Salvation Army serving meals.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Dawson Holtan from Pardeeville, Wis., is double majoring in marketing and Spanish. Dawson is bilingual and hoping to use his marketing and Spanish skills in his future jobs.
- Business Advisory Council Scholarship
Brianna Hunt from Bancroft Wis., is a student in the MBA in Applied Leadership and Decision-Making program.
Brianna would like to apply her skills learned in the MBA program to further her career in insurance.
- MBA Scholars Award
Kyle Isakson from Mosinee, Wis., is majoring in business administration with a minor in German. Kyle is looking into careers in international business.
- Michael and Melba Sullivan Scholarship
Natasja Iversen from Oshkosh, Wis., is majoring in data analytics. Natasja volunteers at Peace Lutheran.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Robert Johannes from Amherst, Wis., is majoring in marketing, with a minor in economics. Robert is a member of the Victory Church Young Adults, National Society of Leadership and Success, and Smiley Pro Events Advisory Board.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
McKenna Kawski from Stevens Point, Wis., is double majoring in accounting and political science, with a minor
in pre-law. McKenna volunteers at the YMCA.
- Tax Executives Institute Scholarship
Adam Klawitter from Nekoosa, Wis., is majoring in marketing. He is an active volunteer at the Riverside Bible Camp and a volunteer guitar player for the Lakes Area Christian Fellowship. Adam is also a member of Public Relations Society of America.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Taylor Krogwold from Rosholt, Wis., is double majoring in finance and management, with a minor in accounting. Taylor is a member of the National Honor Society of Leadership and Success.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Baily Kruzan from Highbridge, Wis., is double majoring in business administration and marketing. Baily is a member of the UWSP women’s club volleyball team.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Megan Lau from Potter, Wis., is double majoring in business administration and management. Megan is a member of the Student Athlete Advisory Committee, Pointer Leadership Academy, National Society of Leadership and Success, and the Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society. She also volunteers with the Salvation Army of Stevens Point and the Special Olympics. Megan is also a part of the Pointers women’s volleyball team.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
- Cheri Smith Scholarship
- Joey Trzebiatowski Scholarship
Xueqing Li from Hebei, China, is majoring in data analytics and minoring in business administration. Xueqing was a member of the Pointers women’s tennis team.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Kaarin Lind from Ogema, Wis., is majoring in accounting. Kaarin is the volunteer club and community service leader for the Hillbillies 4-H Club of Price County. She is also the volunteer children’s church leader, church clerk, and a part of the choir and worship team for Ogema Baptist Church.
- Trish and Mick Howen School of Business and Economics Scholarship
Gerald Lipke from Milton, Wis., is double majoring in finance and management. Gerald is a member of the Finance Literacy Association and National Society of Leadership and Success. He is also a part of the Pointers men’s wrestling team.
- Northwestern Mutual Bob Taylor Scholarship
Brandon McReynolds from North Vancouver, British Columbia, is double majoring in business management and marketing. Brandon is a member of the Pointers men’s hockey team.
- Business Advisory Council Scholarship
Mason Messner from Green Bay, Wis., is double majoring in business administration and finance. Mason volunteers with the Sheroes Among Us, Feeding America and the YWCA of Wausau.
- Central Wisconsin Apartment Scholarship
- Central Wisconsin Board of Realtors Scholarship
Olivia Molle from Plover, Wis., is majoring in marketing. She is a member of the Public Relations Student Society of America, National Society of Leadership and Success, and the Smiley Professional Events Advisory Board.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Jonathan Prahl from Iola, Wis., is majoring in data analytics. Jonathan hopes to use his degree for sports analysis.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Breana Ramczyk from Stevens Point, Wis., is majoring in management.
- Gordon Haferbecker Scholarship
Morgan Reinwand from, Loyal, Wis., is double majoring in accounting and business administration. Morgan is a volunteer with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance.
- W.B. Greaton Scholarship
Tanner Schelvan from Amherst Junction, Wis., is double majoring in accounting and business administration. Tanner is a member of the UWSP Accounting Club and FBLA-PBL.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Brenna Schoenebeck from Marinette, Wis., is majoring in business management. Brenna is a member of the National Honor Society and Rho Kappa. She volunteers with the Wisconsin Hunter Safety as a junior instructor.
- W.B. Greaton Scholarship
Megan Schroder from Merrill, Wis., is majoring in business administration. Megan is a member of the Student Athlete Advising Community, National Society of Leadership and Success and Phi Eta Sigma National Honor Society.
- W.B. Greaton Scholarship
Clayton Shears from Shiocton, Wis., is majoring in business administration with an emphasis in marketing. Clayton was the event coordinator for the UWSP Ski and Snowboard Club, as well as a part of the USASA snowboard competitions.
- MBA Scholars Award
Yulong Tang from Inner Mongolia, China, is majoring in data analytics with minors in applied mathematics and economics. Yulong volunteers in Mother Scott’s Christian Youth Center and the Tutoring-Learning Center. She is also in charge of the “Tea and Talk” program for the international students on campus.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Roy Thorson from Wausau, Wis., is majoring in business administration, with minors in music performance and political science. Roy is a part of the National Honor Society, Muscular Dystrophy Association, Andrew Goodman Foundation and the Forest Goetsch Run. He is also a member of the Low Brass Club and the Mosinee Community Band.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Madison Van Allen from Germantown, Wis., is majoring in data analytics, with a minor in music. Madison is a member of the No Strings Attached acapella group and the Die Fledermaus. She is also the anchor for UWSP Student Television and the production team for the 90FM radio station.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Peter Vande Hay from Kaukauna, Wis., is double majoring in philosophy and data analytics. Peter is a host for the Alpha Course at Holy Spirit Parish. He is also a big brother through Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Central Wisconsin.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Jose Vasquez from Osicala, Morazan, El Salvador, is double majoring in business administration and data analytics with a minor in economics. Jose is the founder and president of Sharing Joy. He is also a Smiley Pro Events intern.
- John C. Seramur Economics and Business Scholarship
Lada Xiong-Vang from Wausau, Wis., is a student in the MBA in Applied Leadership and Decision-Making program. Lada is the vice president of the Central Wisconsin Hmong Professionals and the vice chair of the Marathon County Diversity Affairs Commission. She is also a student blogger for the MBA program.
- CPS Student Hero Award [watch video]
Faculty Excellence Awards
Excellence in Teaching: Ricardo Boeing (Business)
Excellence in Scholarship: Nikolaus Butz (Business)
Excellence in Service: Lyna Matesi (Business)
Excellence in Teaching, Scholarship and Service: Nik Butz (Business)
Distinguished Benefactor
Dan and Marilyn Hauser
Corporate Partners Award
Northwestern Mutual
2020-21 Smiley Professional Events Advisory Board Members
The Pro Events Advisory Board is a group of students that works closely with the Pro Events program of the School of Business and Economics. Advisory Board members help shape the Pro Events program and are the face of the program to students and guests.
Robert Johannes
Anna Pistone
Aidan Fredericks
Hawkin Saeger
Xueqing Li
Olivia Molle
Kaylee Benson
Sufei Xia
Keith and Tammy Anderson Nonprofit Internship Scholarship
This scholarship was established to support students participating in unpaid internship opportunities throughout the academic year.
Amy Blank