Fellowship Opportunities Enrich our Community

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Quyen Hom
Quyen Hom
Quyen Hom, MBA Fellow, owner of Assembly Shop (assembly-shop.com), and philanthropist of Be All The Things (beallthethings.org)

Academic fellowships allow graduate students to collaborate with a non-profit or business to achieve a strategic goal for a specific project or a period of time. Fellows are professional MBA Candidates who enter the work environment to share experience and knowledge. Like interns, fellows can have a powerful impact on the growth of a business or organization. They are different in that fellows bring a professional, graduate level of consulting expertise to the project.

Quyen Hom, a 2021 graduate of the UW-Stevens Point MBA program, served as the Entrepreneur in Residence for the School of Business and Economics from 2020-21. Through this fellowship, Hom was able to make an impact through philanthropy, influence and collaboration.

Philanthropy: Be All The Things Scholarship

The Be All The Things scholarship was started in 2017 courtesy of Hom’s boutique, Assembly Shop. This scholarship was inspired by Hom’s mother, Thuy Luu, who graduated college as a non-traditional student.

Through this fellowship, Quyen made it a goal to endow the Be All The Things scholarship by raising $50,000. She exceeded her goal and raised $63,518.06 in just eight short months!

Her endowed scholarship is now providing nontraditional, black, indigenous, and people of color greater access to higher education. Through this endowment Luu’s legacy will live on forever.

Influence: Purpose-Driven Business Interviews

On Assembly Shop’s Instagram, Hom hosted a series of live interviews with different business leaders to discuss the topic of purpose-driven business. In these videos Hom discussed the wide range impact of her experience with the UWSP MBA program.

Collaboration: Business Advisory Council Membership

Hom is making a difference in her community by being the first small business owner and BIPOC woman to serve on the Business Advisory Council. The Business advisory Council provides input from the community to shape the future of the UWSP School of Business and Economics. Hom has been a wonderful asset to UWSP’s MBA program through philanthropy, influence, and collaboration.

Does your organization or business have a need for a fellow? To discuss details regarding fellowship opportunities, or hosting a fellow within your company or organization contact MBA Program Director Lyna Matesi at mbainfo@uwsp.edu or 715-346-4988. To learn more about our MBA program visit uwsp.edu/mba.