The UW-Stevens Point School of Health Sciences and Wellness hosted the UWSP Foundation Board of Directors on Nov. 4 in the CPS Café. College of Professional Studies Dean Marty Loy welcomed the board and provided updates, followed by a presentation from Professor Corey Huck and our new Legacy Endowed Professor of Population Health Tami Swenson about our work in South Wood County. During the 2021-22 academic year, 85 UWSP students and faculty totaled 22,730 hours with various health and educational community partners to improve health and wellness of communities in South Wood County. [View Photos]
This ongoing collaboration, which is a result of a $3 million gift from the Legacy Foundation of Central Wisconsin in 2021, features students gathering and analyzing data, then using results from these robust data management systems to refine actions and improve health outcomes.
The partnership strengthens South Wood County health agencies’ ability to measure outcomes and impact through data collection and analysis; deliver outcome-based programming; conduct long-term research on impact and serve as a model in the country; and develop a stronger workforce with access to graduating students.