Helping soldiers, and their dependents, maximize benefits to take their educational journey and careers to the next level.
Whether you are the solider, their partner, or dependent of a solider, anyone who has experience with the military knows it isn’t just the soldier who serves, it is the entire family. It can be difficult for all involved to navigate their education while also navigating the responsibilities of being a military family.
The School of Business and Economics at UW-Stevens Point understands this and values the commitment all soldiers and their families have made to their service. At least 10 percent of the Master of Business Administration (MBA) students and alumni are veterans or service-connected family members.
“When I married my husband, I understood there were military benefits available to me, but I didn’t really understand what that meant until the pandemic,” said Kristin Annoye, MBA ’21. “While I was home with our girls, my husband and I discussed me returning to school to complete my undergraduate degree. From that conversation conversation to the time I was readmitted to school was just a matter of weeks.”
“The Veteran Services coordinator was so helpful. As I worked to plan what my degree completion would look like I realized I would finish in just one semester,” explained Annoye. “Since it had been almost 20 years since I had been in school I was hoping for some more education. It was then I realized I was able to carry my benefits over and use them towards an MBA. Within a few weeks of starting school, I was submitting my application for the MBA.”
“While I had applied to multiple programs throughout the state, I really hoped to be accepted into the program at UW-Stevens Point,” stated Annoye. “The Applied Leadership and Decision-Making focus was so unique and fresh. In my field and with my personal experience I knew it was the best compliment to my career. There were some concerns with my transcripts from when I had left school almost two decades earlier. But the MBA team and the Veteran Services coordinator were so supportive in helping me with those concerns and pointing me in the right direction to have the issues corrected.”
“I have always been grateful for my husband’s service, but fully understanding his GI bill, advancing my education, and taking my career to the next level has been an unexpected blessing,” shared Annoye.
“These benefits along with the supportive team at UWSP, the amazing business programs, and a wide variety of applied opportunities has literally been a life-changing experience.”
Do you have GI benefits you are looking to learn more about? Have you wondered what you could really use your benefits for? To get more information regarding your degree options reach out to Max Trzebiatowski. For more information regarding your military benefits reach out to Veteran Services at 715-346-4771 or veteran.services@uwsp.edu.