International broadcaster, author and financial educator Alvin Hall recounted inspiring and heartbreaking tales of America’s racial history during a Black History Month event on Feb. 21. Hall spoke to nearly 300 campus and community members about his journey to write his latest work, “Driving the Green Book: A Road Trip Through the Living History of Black Resistance,” in the Dreyfus University Center Laird Room and 50 more online. [View Photos | Watch Video]

Each in-person attendee received a free copy of his book and enjoyed a meet-and-greet and book signing following the presentation. Earlier in the day, Hall spoke with history education students and Prof. Lee Willis about his journey that led to “Driving the Green Book” and the lessons learned.

The presentation was sponsored by UW-Stevens Point Sentry School of Business and Economics, UWSP Diversity & College Access and is part of the Tommy G. Thompson Statewide Speaker Series.

Overcoming a difficult start in life, Hall has now circled the globe as a television and radio broadcaster on the BBC, a bestselling and award-winning author of more than twenty titles and a financial educator, from teaching classes for financial institutions to writing children’s books about money. He is also a member of the NYSE Euronext Financial Literacy Advisory Committee to help develop programs on personal finances for the general public.