Another busy week ahead, this time I was prepared! Monday started off productively, I had a meeting with my House of Representative’s staff member. This went great! I felt I competently summarized the legislation APTA is working on and was able to clarify what the legislation meant to a practicing physical therapy professional. One of our lobbyists, Brian, attended the meeting with me to fill in any technical gaps, which I was thankful for! I am hoping to build future connections with Stevens Point’s House and Senate representatives!
Did you know a constituent (a person living in the congressional district for the specific congressperson) is able to email, write or request meetings with congressional staff? I did not know about this until I started as an intern for APTA! Over the following days I had an opportunity to attend events for a variety of congress people, which all took place in venues you would not think of, a bar, a cafe and a house! I feel like any type of venue is appropriate for these congressional fundraisers, socials.
During my time at the office, I was tasked with some simple paperwork and mailing tasks, as well as learning about other professions within APTA’s walls. One big takeaway is the difference between legislation and regulation and having an opportunity to discuss with both the Regulatory Affairs Team and the Legislation Team. We discussed how approaches to law differ, collaboration and communication differ, and how approach of state versus national laws differ.
On Thursday at APTA I was able to attend the Physical Activity Alliance (PAA) meeting. This was very cool! PAA is a partner with APTA, as well as made up of a variety professions who value activity and movement for their community members. The best thing about the PAA meeting was hearing how the variety of professions who valued movement could come together to discuss opportunities to promote activity across the country, and how every profession can make a difference in their community’s active lifestyle.
Finally, Friday! I was able to assist one of our lobbyists with meeting congressional staff at Capitol Hill, it still amazes me how much the representatives and staff value the opinion of their constituents practicing within their district. APTA’s lobbyists have said, “90% of the time you are the expert in the room on the topic,” and this is how I truly feel when discussing the physical therapy profession with the congressional staff! I feel honored every time I walk into one of the buildings at Capitol Hill to be able to advocate for my patients, peers and profession.
My weekend after work was peaceful and relaxing. I took some time to walk around Capitol Hill and explore the markets, local shops and tried a few appetizers and beverages from the restaurants around the area! It was a blast. Followed by Saturday and Sunday studying and taking a practice test for my NPTE. Don’t worry, it wasn’t that bad! I enjoy studying and searching the neighborhood for the best local coffee shops! I took an opportunity to spend some time at these places during my studies. Lastly, Maggie and I ended the weekend enjoying a long walk and a trip to the dog park!
Until next time,

Cortney Meunier is a graduate student in the Doctor of Physical Therapy program at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Originally from Oconto Falls, Wis., Cortney serves as the 2024 Alexa Posny Scholar, interning with the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) at its headquarters in Washington, D.C.
Follow along on her blog and see additional photos on Facebook.