It’s hard to believe that three weeks of class have already passed. One thing I really enjoy about UWSP is the sense of being welcome here, the atmosphere is great! People will actually hold doors open for others and they say, “Thank you,” when someone does it for them.
A near and dear friend of mine loved the quote “People who don’t know me think I’m quiet; people who know me wish I was.” This quote describes me to a T; it takes me a while to warm up to people. I do agree with Song when she says that you sometimes have to leave your comfort zone for new experiences and to meet new people. I’ve had a chance to meet a lot of incredible people in the past few weeks. Some, I probably would not have met if I didn’t step out of my comfort zone. Thanks to Molly, Amanda, Brianna and Kheidi for being so encouraging, it helped a lot!!!!
P.S. I appreciated hearing people cheering during the Packers game this past week. When I lived on the Minnesota-Wisconsin border I’d hear a lot of cheering during the Vikings games and barely any during the Packers games.
I love that quote! I’m gonna use it now!