In my last few days on campus, I must reflect on all the things I will really miss. My job in the dean’s office in the UWSP College of Professional Studies and the amazing staff, girls night at the spur-of-the-moment, and seeing great friends on a daily basis.
In my first blog I mentioned how I didn’t need friends because my best friend from the past 16 years had come to Stevens Point as well. What I didn’t mention is that she transferred schools at the end of our freshman year. By this time I had met a few acquaintances but no one I would call up to hang out with, until one day.
I had this GDR history course freshman year. I sat in the middle of the row near no one and doodled in my notebook while my professor ranted about Napoleon. In my own little world I didn’t realize that this short blonde was sitting a few rows back watching me sketch out my next IA project. She had the same assignment in her section of that 100 level IA course. Slowly throughout the semester she changed her seat until one day she was one chair away from me and said “hi.” She told me we had actually met at orientation and I helped her figure out her schedule (because I knew what the heck was going on :/). We would talk a bit here and there about our classes, and professors and we ended up studying for our final exam for that history class together–the rest is pretty much history. Not only did Lauren and I plan our schedules together but we became partners for everything–IA projects,
studying, shopping, coffee breaks, work outs, pigging out, spring breaks, movie nights, emotional support and now wedding planning. Oddly enough her fiancé and I are eerily similar. The rest of our class and friends know we are attached at the hip and you can count on that if I’m going to an event Lauren will be there, too. She’s in my speed dial and we both have had months where we texted and called each other more than our boyfriends or our parents. She’s my sidekick and my best friend.
Little did I know that that small blonde who essentially creeped on me for three months would be probably the best thing that ever happened to me at Point. Freshmen, don’t think you don’t need to make friends like I did. Talk to that person sitting next to you in class. Creep if you must! They may take over the best friend role and change your college career.
To my sarcastic counterpart, Lauren (Lo Lo, Lolita, and little one)–thank you for always being honest, pushing me to do better, try harder and telling me to take a break to loosen up and have fun. Thank you for being my partner-in-crime, I’ll miss you!!
Your sappy friend Meg
Meg Buchmann is a senior in the interior architecture program at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.