My first semester of college if almost over with. There has been a few challenges, but for the most part the transition from high school has been smooth because of the development of strong note taking, test taking and study habits. The improvement of these three skills are essential for a student to succeeded while further his or hers education.
Most professors handle notes different. Many format the notes not like other professors so it is a smart idea for students to figure out an outline that they are comfortable with. Proper organization of notes is key for studying and processing information. Note taking is sometimes thought of to be chore-like. It should not be viewed as classwork. It is a study tool that should be personalized. Ways to personalize notes are to only write down things that you actually need to remember. During a long lecture a professor might say a few things that are common knowledge and not necessary to write down. Another way to personalize notes are to write things in your own words. Taking notes is not just a thing a student does in class; it is smart to review and rewrite notes when you have free time.
Taking notes is the first step of retaining information but the next step is studying. The best thing a student can do is set time out of his or her day to actually study. When there is a specific scheduled study time there is a better chance studying will happen because it eliminates distractions. Students should not spend their time studying things that they already know. Use study time for the things that are unfamiliar. Studying for exams can get stressful. A solution for that is taking breaks while studying. Having a support system helps a lot too. Studying with friends or even with people who are just familiar faces creates an easygoing environment.
Studying is the best way to ensure a student does well on a test. To be prepared for a test it is not a bad idea to look for practice exams. On exam day the only reason why a student should be nervous is if he or she does not have the knowledge to pass the test. It is good to try to stay confident, especially if you put effort in to study. It sounds elementary but students should always read directions. Directions can be easily skipped over but valuable information could be in the directions. Arriving to class early can calm a nervous students nerves. Arriving early also gives you a chance to ask the professor any last questions you may have.
The thing that I really want the most right now is to be a successful college student. I learned very quickly that to excel in furthering my education I need to study, take notes and handle tests a lot better. The enhancement of these skills have made me earn better grades than I did in high school which surprised me at first because my work load now is a lot heavier than it was when I was in high school.
Study hard,
Alex Grant is a first-year physical education and communication student at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.