Category Archives: Center for Business and Economic Insight

Social Security Part 2: Who Gets Benefits?

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As indicated above, Social Security was initially focused on retirement benefits, but the program expanded through the years to enhance economic security for a variety of Americans. There are currently four categories of Social Security benefits: Retirement benefits – partial benefits available at age 62; full benefits are a function of birth date Disability benefits […]


Social Security Part 1: How it Works and How it is Funded (or not)

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So, do you think the Social Security taxes that you currently pay go into a trust fund to pay you retirement income in the future? The answer to that question would be “no”. In the next few blogs we’ll take a look at Social Security – the basics of how it works, and how it […]


CWERB presents Third Quarter Economic Indicators Report

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The Central Wisconsin Economic Research Bureau (CWERB) presented its Stevens Point Economic Indicators Third Quarter report to over 100 members of the business community on Friday, Nov. 11 at the Stevens Point Country Club. Prof. Randy Cray, Ph.D., director of the CWERB, explained unemployment rates in Central Wisconsin, Wisconsin employment by sector, county sales tax […]


Randy Cray on CNN Radio

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Randy Cray

Randy Cray, professor of economics and director of the Central Wisconsin Economic Research Bureau (CWERB), recently discussed the federal debt debate on national CNN Radio and WSAW Channel 7. The School of Business and Economics continues to be a great resource for Central Wisconsin, the nation, and most importantly, our students.
