Hola chicos! I hope everyone in Stevens Point is enjoying this weather! It’s finally beginning to feel like spring! With the start of spring everyone will probably start to think about summer, but really during this time of year us students should be thinking about fall. Next week starts registration for fall 2014 and all […]
More...2014 WAFCS Conference
As an advocate for joining things and signing up for things, I always run the hazard of sounding like an advertisement. That’s not really my intention though. At least not until they start paying me, that is. In the meanwhile, I guess the Wisconsin Association of Family & Consumer Sciences gets some free publicity. The […]
More...Schmies earns WATA Outstanding Educator Award
Associate Dean Holly Schmies was awarded the 2014 Wisconsin Athletic Trainers’ Association (WATA) Outstanding Educator Award at the organization’s annual meeting in Eau Claire on April 4. Schmies has been teaching at UW-Stevens Point since 2000 when she held a split position between academics and clinical services. She has since worked as the clinical coordinator and […]
More...Keen about New Zealand?
Before I came to New Zealand I had no knowledge of NZ history, other than a few facts about the indigenous Māori people. I think it is really important to know some interesting stuff about Kiwi Nation, and I would like to share with you what I have all learned so far from all of my classes! Also, […]
More...Gastronomy of Spain – Don’t read if you’re hungry
One of the best parts of traveling is eating the food. The official term for this is ‘gastronomy,’ but really, it’s just a fancy way of saying stuffing your face and not feeling guilty about it. Believe me, Spain is perfect for this indulgence. Officially, we’re immersed in a true Mediterranean diet full of fish, […]
More...Tips for writing a research paper
Hola chicos! Welcome back from break everyone! I hope everyone had a good spring break, or if you stayed in Wisconsin happy second winter break. haha! I had a nice, relaxing break visiting my family in the Madison area. It wasn’t anything crazy but it was nice to just have a week off to not […]
More...“Tell Your Day What to Do, Don’t Wonder Where it Went”
There are many benefits to studying abroad your final semester of college. Think about it, I don’t have to register for classes, I’m certain my credits are done for my major, I applied to graduate before I left, I didn’t have to find a job over winter break, I come home and I am done […]
More...Travel Time
I was very fortunate this past week because my boyfriend flew all the way from Wisconsin to Christchurch to visit me for nine days during UW-Stevens Point Spring Break. We were able to travel to all kinds of places on the South Island of New Zealand around the Christchurch area. The first place we went […]
More...The Tutoring-Learning Center, which I love
Alright, so in the chronicle of my signing up for more and more things, I’ve written my love songs for my very first campus involvement, SPAFCS, and my third, the Cupboard. But the second thing I ever got involved in definitely merits mention, because it’s one of the most phenomenal campus resources for ANY STUDENT […]
More...Students capture athletic training quiz bowl title
With wins at the state and district level, three students from UW-Stevens Point will represent the Great Lakes region at the National Athletic Trainers’ Association convention (NATA) in Indianapolis this June. Athletic training seniors Jon Pickos, Michael Kurek and Seth Kuhn won the Great Lakes Athletic Trainers Association (GLATA) Quiz Bowl on Friday, March 14 in […]