Hola chicos! Happy December everyone! I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving break and everyone was able to relax and spend some time with family. I had a nice time over break with my family, spending time eating pumpkin pie and working on puzzles (sort of a holiday tradition in my family). Now I feel […]
More...Big, Bad and Scary: Business 480
I’m currently in the last semester of my business degree and therefore am taking the capstone course for all business majors: Bus. 480. It’s reputation can be frightening; it is known to be difficult, time consuming, stressful, and cover a lot of topics you probably forgot about from all your degree requirements. Being almost done […]
More...Supporting Communication for Adults with Acute and Chronic Aphasia
Professor of Communicative Disorders Julia King, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, has a new textbook out that can help speech-language pathologists provide the best support for adults with aphasia and help them make a successful return to daily life. “Supporting Communication for Adults with Acute and Chronic Aphasia,” co-authored by King, Nina Simmons-Mackie and David Beukelman, provides clear […]
More...Staying healthy at UW-Stevens Point
Hola chicos! As we make our way through November, I am realizing that it is around this time of the year that everyone suddenly seems less healthy. From colds to flu season, and leftover Halloween candy to holiday binge eating; it seems everyone partakes in at least some unhealthy activities. I have already had a […]
More...School and stuff
So the thing they never tell you about studying abroad is that you actually have to study sometimes … It’s rough. No, really it’s not too bad; I’m actually taking an Art and Architecture class and a Theatre class, and they’re both incredibly enlightening. You may think to yourself, “My, what’s that got to do […]
More...View from the Top: Jim Weishan, Sentry Insurance
A top executive from Sentry Insurance shared his “View from the Top” with more than 100 students from the UW-Stevens Point School of Business & Economics on Nov. 20. Jim Weishan, executive vice president and CIO at Sentry Insurance, oversees Sentry’s financial investments and its charitable foundation. He shared how he progressed through his career […]
More...Je Veux McAroon
They serve macaroons at McDonald’s in France. No kidding; we couldn’t believe it! Just to clarify we only went into McDonald’s in Paris in the first place because we heard about the macaroons and just had to try. Now I’m no macaroon connoisseur, but we had one in the group and she said they […]
More...Student Orgs: Why I get involved, and why you should, too
I’ve mentioned before that I’m involved in stuff. At the end of my last post I mentioned the importance of involvement with student organizations here on campus. I guess I realized as I continued to think about it that my feelings on the subject are more than what fits into a little blurb at […]
More...Family & Consumer Sciences
At stronggggg advisal from my parents, I spent my first year of college at a two-year in the UW system, about a 15-minute drive from the town where I grew up, Slinger, Wis. I commuted in my beat-up old Dodge Neon and lived at home. I transferred to UW-Stevens Point for my sophomore year rather […]
More...Artist’s London
One really nice thing about London is all the little (and big) art galleries everywhere. I know in my Tate rant I may have given a certain impression, but I swear I’m not an indiscriminate art hater–in fact I quite enjoy most of it. I had an interesting interaction with an artist who had a […]