The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point is among the 2017 U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools. It is one of nine Postsecondary Sustainability Awardees in the nation. UW-Stevens Point was selected as the top Wisconsin institution of higher education for Green Ribbon Schools and advanced for consideration at the national level. This award acknowledges the […]
More...Tag Archives: education
2017 School of Education Awards Banquet
The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point celebrated teachers and future educators at the 2017 Oscar W. Neale Celebration of Teaching and Learning in the Dreyfus University Center Laird Room on Friday, May 5. [Photo Gallery] The School of Education awarded $83,500 to 73 scholarship award winners, honored alumni teachers and recognized donors and cooperating teachers at […]
More...Student org earns Aspiring Educators of Wisconsin awards
The UW-Stevens Point Chapter of Aspiring Educators (formerly Student Wisconsin Education Association) received six WEAC Region 9 Aspiring Educators of Wisconsin awards at the April Representative Assembly and Leadership Training in Wisconsin Dells. Each award required a paper and two letters of recommendation. Outstanding Friend of Student WEA Award – Patricia Okray The friend of […]
More...Triplets pursue a passion for teaching at UW-Stevens Point
It’s not uncommon to find siblings attending the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. But not many sisters and brothers have the experience of starting college, taking nearly all their classes and preparing for graduation as a group of two – or three. As sisters and triplets, Rachel, Fran and Jackie Weiss have had this special university […]
More...Educational sustainability doctorate offered at UW-Stevens Point
UW-Stevens Point has a long history as a leader in sustainability practices. With a widely respected School of Education and a nationally known College of Natural Resources, it is an ideal home for a doctoral program in educational sustainability. The program – the first Ed.D. in Educational Sustainability in the country and the first standalone […]
More...Education student organization at UW-Stevens Point receives national grant
by Lauren Gibbs ’19 An education student organization at UW-Stevens Point recently received a national grant to boost the teaching profession. The Student Wisconsin Education Association (StWEA) chapter earned a $900 CREATE grant from the National Education Association to aid in the production of recruitment videos for the School of Education that will encourage enrollment […]
More...Alum Recognized for Agricultural Curriculum
A fifth-grade teacher at Adams-Friendship Elementary School is the recipient of the Wisconsin Agriculture in the Classroom’s Outstanding Teacher Award. UW-Stevens Point School of Education alumna Heather (Gayton) Grabarski ’13 was selected by members of the Wisconsin Farm Bureau’s Agriculture in the Classroom program, which recognizes teachers for their efforts in teaching students the importance […]
More...Alumna named state Elementary School Teacher of the Year
From the Wisconsin DPI: In a surprise ceremony at her school, Pamela Gresser ’97, a fifth-grade teacher at Rothschild Elementary School in the D.C. Everest Area School District, was named Wisconsin’s Elementary Teacher of the Year for the 2016‑17 school year. State Superintendent Tony Evers made the announcement during an all-school assembly [watch video]. As […]
More...Okray Colloquium: Tested
Education students from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point got an inside look at fairness of educational opportunities for students with racially and socioeconomically diverse backgrounds during the annual School of Education Okray Colloquium on Tuesday, Feb. 23. View Photos “Tested” filmmaker Curtis Chin spent the day on campus discussing his documentary and helping future educators […]
More...There and back again
As I look out the window at the snow falling, it’s hard to believe that only three months ago I was living in Lower Hutt, New Zealand. I like to think back to my first and last day at school because I felt a change from when I had my first introductions to my final […]