We have been assigned our studio project for this semester!!!
In our previous studio classes we had been assigned two projects per semester and they were completed by ourselves (or with one partner).
This semester we have one studio project and we are in a group of four. Now, this seems as though it should be no problem having a whole semester to complete one project with three others to help. The work load for this project will be immense and the nights will be long, but this project will be fun!
The class this semester is Office Design (IA 311). We will be designing an office space, approximately 8,000-10,000 sq. ft. The fun thing about this project is that we get to create the business that will be utilizing this space. We will not only be using our design skills, but also our research skills to develop a fully functioning business. This means researching the type of business, the employees and their tasks, as well as how the space should be utilized. We are currently working on developing our company and our design concept for this business. More on our business will come at a later date.
Our group is spectacular! I will be working with three other creative, hardworking and fun ladies this semester. Jessica, Lauren, Mandy and I each bring a skill to our group that will aid in the domination of this notoriously challenging and time consuming project.
Each of us will be writing at some point in the semester about the project. Our hope for this project is to stay ahead of the deadlines, create and use unique elements and ideas and, overall, have fun and stay positive.
[…] As Meg briefly mentioned, we had the freedom to choose our client for this office design project, fictional or nonfictional. This is the first time we have had this opportunity, therefore the four of us were eager to get started. After some discussion and inspiration from Hawaiian pizza, we decided on a fictional travel agency office located in Houston, Texas. This may be our only opportunity to choose our client, therefore we wanted a client that would allow us to be over the top creative, and a travel agency does just that. Plus three out of the four of us had just come back from studying abroad so it seemed to be a fairly easy choice. […]