Hey, CPS!
I’m just checking in to do what I like to do at least yearly, which is to introduce the students, staff, faculty and supporters of our college to their student representatives through the Student Government Association. Especially in the case of College of Professional Studies students, I’d really like to help build an awareness of our student representation at UW-Stevens Point. What’s more, I’d like everyone to know our faces and names and to know that as we are elected by the students for the students, any of us would be more than happy to speak to you. An important part of our job is to solicit feedback from students. I believe this will be a bit easier if the CPS gets to know us a little.
This is Senator Lee Bartnik.
Lee is majoring in dietetics and minoring in communication.
This is Senator Taylor Gordon.
Taylor is majoring in health science—pre-occupational therapy.
This is Senator Andrew Glazner.
Andrew is a double major in accounting and business administration.
This is Senator Shelby Kreeb.
Shelby is majoring in communicative disorders and minoring in Spanish.

This is Senator Parth Dogra.
Parth is a double major in business administration and economics.
I’m Amy Vida. I’m this year’s Speaker of the Senate for SGA.
I’m a double major in English and family & consumer sciences.
These are the students who have been elected to represent the CPS for this school year. I’ll keep you updated if there are any additions—being that we have ten remaining open seats in Senate, there is potential for the CPS representation to increase beyond what it is now.
But at any rate, here we are. And we are here for you. Whether you see us around the CPS or elsewhere on campus, or whether you seek us out in SGA’s office across from SIEO in the DUC, we would love to hear from you any time. Also, don’t forget—student feedback can always be directed to the SGA general email SGA@uwsp.edu.
Amy Vida is a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point majoring in family & consumer sciences and English.