A design by Stevens Point architect and UWSP Senior Lecture of Interior Architecture Thomas Brown of the Mead Wildlife Area Education and Visitor Center has been honored with the “2011 Green Building Award,” from the WoodWorks Central United States Region this week. WoodWorks is an initiative of the Wood Products Council, which is a cooperative […]
More...Educational author visits School of Ed students
Doug Buehl, author of “Classroom Strategies for Interactive Learning” spoke to School of Education students at UW-Stevens Point on Wednesday, Dec. 7. Buehl presented on effective strategies for learning in middle and secondary level content areas. He used his wealth of knowledge, shared examples and experience, always sprinkled with a bit of humor. Buehl has […]
More...The wonders of winter
These past few days have really started feeling like winter: snow, low temperatures, Christmas music, and congestion and coughing for the past week and a half. Yes, it’s all here: the good and the bad. It is especially essential during this time of year to take some time aside for yourself and to get enough […]
More...Gross Anatomy with Amherst High students
Students from Amherst High School got an up-close and personal peek into the world of anatomy when they visited the UW-Stevens Point Department of Athletic Training on Friday, Dec. 2. Sara (Becker) Pate, ’01, a teacher and Licensed Athletic Trainer at Amherst, brought her Anatomy Physiology class to her alma mater for a special Athletic […]
More...Alumna named Wisconsin’s Elementary Teacher of the Year
(from the Pointer Alumnus) Marsha (Kostechka) Herman, ’82, Sun Prairie, received a wonderful surprise on Tuesday, Sept. 6, at a special all-school assembly at Westside Elementary in Sun Prairie, where she has taught for 20 years. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s State Superintendent Tony Evers announced that she had won Wisconsin’s Elementary Teacher of […]
More...Preparing future teachers during the Elementary Methods Block
“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.” — Alexander Graham Bell UW-Stevens Point has been preparing outstanding teachers since 1894, so it’s no surprise graduates from the UWSP School of Education are some of the most talented teachers the country. Part of the educational training includes the Elementary Methods Block, which is taken […]
More...“Everyone here is so short!”
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!!!! Unfortunately, my break started before others did. Because of my brother being in the accident and the extent of his injuries, it wasn’t logical for me to wait until Wednesday to go home. John is doing as well as anyone would expect of someone being t-boned, his car […]
More...Helping the community maintain weight over the holidays
While many people filled up on turkey, stuffing and cranberries during the Thanksgiving weekend, Deborah Tang, associate lecturer of dietetics at UW-Stevens Point, presented on “Maintaining Weight Over the Holidays” to the Healthy Habits group on Wednesday, Nov. 23 in the Oak Room at Ministry Home Care downtown Stevens Point. The group discussed and exchanged […]
More...Are you Superhuman?
Have you recently experienced a seasonally cold, or been sick lately? If you have not, it does not mean hat your immune system can with stand any microscopic invader, therefore, making you like a superhuman. That statement is most likely obvious, but it did not stop me from holding a superstitious idea. For me, the […]
More...Discovering Disease Diversity
UW-Stevens Point students in Health Science 105 Survey of Common Disease showcased their findings of the importance of becoming culturally aware of a patient’s needs at a poster presentation in the Dreyfus University Center Laird Room Wednesday, Nov. 23. The students collaborated in groups and discovered how diverse backgrounds are related to major disease […]