So this is my first week really being IN the park! I am so excited to learn all about Animal Kingdom and about what I am actually going to be doing! 🙂 Monday, June 17 Today we had our Animal Kingdom Orientation also known as DAKlimation (acclimation to Disney’s Animal Kingdom). It was kinda fun […]
More...Tag Archives: internship
The magic begins!
Hey there Pointers! I apologize that I have not written recently, I have never had a busier lifestyle than what I have right now … but I LOVE IT! So I am hoping that within the next few posts I can get you all caught up on all the amazing things that have gone on […]
More...Workin’ 9 to 5
I’m successfully into my third week of work for the summer! I was happy to come to two companies doing very well in their industries. At First Source Worldwide, LLC (FSW), I dove right back in to their web development tasks. I reviewed the websites and looked for areas of improvement. It’s funny, because even […]
More...Professional summer
While summer brings upon great weather, tan lines, and travel itineraries, it also brings on a work schedule. I’d say that’s bittersweet. While it’s nice to get experience in the field your interested it and make some $$$, it also takes away your sunshine time. My goal is to manage my schedule in a way […]
More...A bittersweet relationship
Dear UWSP, Though I love you very much, and we have shared many memories together, we must part ways. It’s not you; it’s me. Right now I need to focus on my career. I hope you understand and that we can still see each other from time to time. Much love, Song There comes that […]