An unfinished brick building with bunk beds crammed into two small rooms, a small kitchen, no storage for household items, surrounded by more than 100 Chinese acres of fields. This is not the kind of orphanage I imagined. I imagined a building, with lots of beds lined up, kids playing and chairs to rock babies […]
More...Tag Archives: UW-Stevens Point
Meet some Namibian students
“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world” is a very meaningful quote said by Nelson Mandela. Through education we develop new theories, learn important concepts, and most importantly, we are able to effectively communicate with others to hear and share their stories. Over the past three days while we […]
More...The Series of Unfortunate Events: Pointers with Passports
PREFACE The arrival to Windhoek was, for all parties, filled with some unavoidable events. Truly, what a surprise it would be for the eight Pointers to make it to Namibia! I am bound to write about these events, but you are welcome to stop now. Tweet about your latest meal, search Google for puppies, or […]
More...Republic of San Marino Tour
San Marino is independent of Italy and it is actually called the Republic of San Marino, so throughout the tour, we have actually been to three separate countries: Italy, Vatican City and San Marino! San Marino is located in the mountains and it is quite small. There are a little over 30,000 inhabitants and it […]
More...Perfection does Exist
There is a saying that I am sure everyone knows, “There is no such thing as perfection.” I believed in this saying wholeheartedly growing up. Perfection was something worked at, but never accomplished. However, stepping out of the van today, for the first day of school, left me in a state of perfection. Emotions are […]
More...Pieces of the Whole
Our first week at the School for the Visually Impaired is more than I could have imagined. When you arrive, you fall in love with the kids. Your heart breaks into many pieces that day, and everyday that follows a piece of you is left behind. On that first day, we all received hugs from […]
More...Mid-trip reflection and relaxation
I can’t believe we are about half way into our trip already! Today we had some free time and Prof. Li found a place for those of us who were interested to go for massages. It was the perfect mid-trip relaxation after a long flight, sleeping in hotel beds, and lots of walking. I got […]
More...Fabulous Florence
After talking to the team, Florence seemed to be a crowd favorite, and it is very easy to understand why. We started our walk into the city along beautiful River Arno. Elena, our Italian tour guide, brought us to the Piazza della Signoria, where the “fake” Statue of David is located. (The real Statue of […]
More...Chinese Education
Hello from Tianjin, China! As of Monday, May 25 we have arrived in Tianjin, China. We are staying at a hotel in walking distance to Tianjin University. With the help of student ambassadors from the university, we are being able to visit many Chinese schools and learn about their education system. On Tuesday we went […]
More...First exhibition match for Team Stars and Team Stripes
The volleyball squads boarded the bus and headed toward the Mar Terrerian Coast for their first exhibition matches against Italian squads. There was a lot of traffic as we headed out of Rome, which is typical, but we found out later that there was a very important soccer match being played during that time, which […]