Tag Archives: UW-Stevens Point

Howdy CPS! Let’s do some yoga!

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One of my favorite questions to ask myself is: “What would I pay to do?” I come alive when I share yoga with others, and when I talk about optimizing life and creativity with others! So I’m following my bliss. Starting UW-Stevens Point as a BFA in musical theater, I quickly gained a lead role […]


The end of the a good thing

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Hola chicos! Happy finals week everyone! Hope everyone is doing well and not stressing too much. I know this time is always a little tense for most people but just try about the fact that summer is right around the corner! The end of the year is always a bittersweet time for me, and this […]



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In my last few days on campus, I must reflect on all the things I will really miss. My job in the dean’s office in the UWSP College of Professional Studies and the amazing staff, girls night at the spur-of-the-moment, and seeing great friends on a daily basis. In my first blog I mentioned how […]


So Long, Farewell

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Alas, the day has finally arrived for me to write my final blog. For the past few days I have stared at a blank sheet of paper wondering what insightful thoughts I could share with those who are reading this post. The time that I have been at UW-Stevens Point and the various experiences that […]


Ode to final exams

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To the master of procrastination, Telling great tales of justification, For exactly why we waited so long… To study for the final exam, The one we put off all semester to cram, Even though we know its force will be strong. Its presence is scary, It leaves us quite wary, Of our bleak final score. […]


Students “triumph” to raise money, shave professors’ heads

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Thanks to the efforts of University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point students, a young athlete with Cerebral Palsy will be able to participate in a half-Ironman competition this summer. Led by health promotion/wellness graduating senior Aaron Hunnel and the UWSP National Wellness Institute student chapter, $3,658 was raised so Katie Neuman can take on the 1.2-mile swim, […]


A bittersweet relationship

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Dear UWSP, Though I love you very much, and we have shared many memories together, we must part ways. It’s not you; it’s me. Right now I need to focus on my career. I hope you understand and that we can still see each other from time to time. Much love, Song There comes that […]


Sunshine = Trail Time

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As the temperature rises and the sun shines more often, it always amazes me how many people come out of their caves and onto the greens of campus. Like everyone has been released and refreshed! Ahh… For me, it means a chance to pack up the cross country skis and break out the bike.  Stevens […]


Leaving on a Jet Plane

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As a campus ambassador (or tour guide) for the past few years for UW-Stevens Point, I often get the questions, “Is there anything you regret not doing while being a college student?” When I was first asked this question, I will admit that I was stumped, so I turned to my classmates and friends for […]
