Tag Archives: UWSP

Paying it Forward this Holiday Season

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As winter break is upon us and many of us travel home for the holidays I’m sure we are all filled with excitement to have a break from classes and enjoy some time with family and friends. While the word Christmas holds different meaning for everyone I am going to share what Christmas means to […]


Adventures of a Student Teacher

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Hello all and welcome to my blog! Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Katie Olson and I am a senior at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. My majors are Spanish and secondary education and my minors are ESL (English as a second language) and international studies. During my time at UW-Stevens Point, […]


UWSP honors students with Chancellor’s Leadership Award

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Chancellor Patterson

Recognized for leadership and service to the campus and community, 32 December graduates will receive the 2014 Chancellor’s Leadership Award at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Chancellor Bernie Patterson presented the awards in a ceremony on Friday in the Dreyfus University Center Laird Room. [Photo Gallery] Established in 1978 at the urging of former Chancellor […]


School of Business and Economics: Caz McChrystal

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Professor Caz McChrystal’s experiences make him an excellent storyteller in the classroom. For several years he managed bands along the East Coast, helping them find practice space, book shows and manage finances. He got a popular Boston-based funk band signed to a record label. Not long after starting his legal practice, Caz was lead counsel […]


School of Business and Economics: Michael Montemayor – Intern

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Most university students would be pleased to leave school with a year of professional experience under their belt; recent School of Business and Economics graduate Michael Montemayor left with almost five. Thanks to the Noel Company, Michael had the opportunity to gain first-hand experience for how a successful company does business. The Noel Compass Scholarship […]


School of Business and Economics: C.R. Marshall

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C.R. Marshall isn’t your average university professor. He didn’t begin his graduate degree work until he was into his 40s, and as often as he can, he escapes to play guitar with friend John Greenwood, who works with the Wisconsin Center for Public Policy at the University of Wisconsin-Marathon County. The two play a little […]


School of Business and Economics: Gary Mullins

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After finishing his master’s degree at the University of Chicago, Gary Mullins decided he’d had enough of academia. His mother had been a school teacher, his father the president at the University of Arkansas — Gary was ready for anything not set in a classroom. But he couldn’t escape it. During his time with Exxon […]


NFCR National Conference

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“You may come from somewhere, but you can go anywhere.” These are the words I heard while attending National Council on Family Relations (NFCR) Conference, a national conference in Baltimore Nov. 25-30, with other colleagues of mine. After hearing these words I felt like they were fitting to my own life. I grew up in a […]


Why Study Economics?

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Hola chicos, With the holidays around the corner, I am realizing how long it’s been since I’ve seen my family and how excited I am to see everyone again. However, I am not particularly looking forward to explaining to everyone all the details of what has been going on in my life recently. I don’t […]


Classroom Evolution: WTI Academic Forum

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The state of today’s classroom is changing and teachers’ ability to adapt and meet the learning needs of their students will be mission critical. UW-Stevens Point, along with the Wisconsin Technology Initiative and other partners, co-hosted a two-day WTI Academic Forum Nov. 14-15 to help administrators, teachers and preservice teachers prepare for today’s classroom. [Photo […]
