I’m back in the office after my time in Milwaukee! Wow! How fast it went! I had a great experience. I’m very happy I approached my boss early about working in the facility to get a view of the operations side of the company. It was ‘hearing the other side of the phone.’ I am […]
More...Category Archives: Students
After thoughts
It has now been just over a week since returning home from Africa. Once again I am left with conflicting thoughts of the trip and what I left behind. There is not a day that passes where I don’t find myself thinking about the learners in Africa. My main purpose of going on the trip […]
More...Unleash the fireworks!
Week of 4th of July! So I am so excited because this is my first big holiday to be celebrated down here at Disney, and we all know Disney has the best fireworks! Before heading to EPCOT for the magnificent fireworks, I still had a full day of work ahead of me… Animal Kingdom was […]
More...The inventory dance
In dancing, the perfect choreography consists of pairs of dancers swinging in beautiful circling harmony. Each pair complements each other, highlighting strengths of the individual yet seemingly united. The dance is captivating, flowing cleanly and smoothly across the floor. The patters are uniform yet creative. Everything seems perfectly planned but wildly impulsive. I’m in Milwaukee […]
More...Relevant read
I just finished reading Bright Lights, Big City by Jay McInerney. Set in New York City, you become a character working in the office of a popular magazine. You see the rise and fall of your life in a big city, and watch as everything glorious and gold crumbles away until all that’s left is […]
More...Goodbyes are never easy
Today was the last day of school at the National Institute for Special Education – School for the Vision Impaired. The participants of this incredible trip choked back tears for two days as we said our farewells to the staff on Wednesday and then learners on Thursday. The emotions flowed freely throughout the lodge as […]
More...Door County Welcomes You!
Coming to you live from poolside Fish Creek, Wis. The sun’s hot, the sky is blue, and it finally feels like summertime. …Summertime. The restaurant we come to for one of the best meals I’ve ever eating. Ahi Tuna. A soy sauce marinade and sesame seed coating and pickled ginger and wasabi on the side. […]
More...Elena Brower and audio books
I’ve become obsessed with finding audio books online and listening fervently while biking (don’t try this at home kids), and walking virtually everywhere I go! I found an app for my phone, Note Everything, where I can … Note Everything! I love taking notes while taking strolls. I’ve read three books in the last three […]
More...Gettin’ dirty
Oh hey! I did a triathlon! Two weeks ago I participated in my first triathlon! My sister and I packed up my bike and hiked up to Wittenberg, Wis., for the Rockin’ the Farm Triathlon. Wittenberg is a very small town east of Wausau. The triathlon was held at Gotrocks Farm, which was a cool […]
More...The Creative Warrior Manifesto
Creative Warrior Manifesto Be a Creative Warrior. Be a Bold and Fearless Artist in your medium, Make new Connections, and Inspire. Fill up, and Spill Forth with Enthusiasm. Witness Your Innate Divinity and Wholeness in each moment; Put Emotional Labor into Everything you Do, and Gift your Work with Intention, in Service to Others; Playfully […]