I look at the clock and there are 10 minutes left. My heart is pounding and I’m sure everyone within a mile can hear it, yet I calmly give directions: plate the pumpkin cheesecake and garnish it with whipped cream and a mint leaf. I can only imagine how the Iron Chef contestants feel. Being […]
More...Pointers learn about women’s health issues
Even the most athletic individuals can improve their health. That’s why UW-Stevens Point invited a panel of women’s health specialists from Ministry Health Group to speak to Pointers female student-athletes on Sunday, Nov. 11. [Photo Gallery] Dr. Kit Swiecki, MD, Dr. Fred Boehm, MD, and Traci Smet ATC, CSCS, PES, presented to the Pointers about […]
More...Yoga, Hindu festival, and Packers…in London?
Hello readers, I hope that you have enjoyed my articles thus far. Within the past two weeks, I went to a Hindu festival, had two of my friends from Kenya experience their first ever Packers game and attended a yoga and meditation workshop. I attended the Hindu festival with three friends; my friend Ravin, and […]
More...Learning how to respond to people with aphasia
In an emergency, communication is key. But what happens when someone is unable to communicate to first responders or medical personnel? First-year graduate student Jim McMahon and Professor Julia King, Ph.D. from the UW-Stevens Point School of Communicative Disorders visited the Stevens Point Fire Department this week to present about aphasia, an impairment of language […]
More...Students lead speed mentoring at NCFR Conference
The ability to attend national conferences where students can network with professionals is one of the opportunities students at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point take full advantage of. That includes four students from UWSP’s family and consumer science program who were in attendance at the National Council on Family Relations annual conference in Phoenix this […]
More...Stop, Collaborate and Listen
Lately, I have been talking about the events that I have gone to or things I have been involved in. Yet, an important part of school is the actual classes you take as well. Currently, I am taking the following courses: Marketing Research, International Marketing, Geography, Religious Studies, Business Writing, Jogging, and Weightlifting … 17 […]
More...Life in the Fast Lane
Yet another month has sped by, but these days have not disappeared without some fun activities along the way. As a tour guide for the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, I am often asked the same question, “Is there anything to do while I am at school besides homework?” Well ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased […]
More...Networking: Speed-Dating Style
Two of our student bloggers attended the Reaching Across Generations (RXG) mentoring program at UW-Stevens Point. Let’s hear what happened at one of their networking events… By Song: Speed dating has been crossed off my bucket list. Ok, so it wasn’t really speed dating but it was what I imagined a speed dating session would […]
More...Drawing inspiration from Yo-Yo Ma
College is time for experiences that last a lifetime. For Carolyn Matthews, a fourth-year interior architecture student at UW-Stevens Point, that once-in-a-lifetime experience came in the form of world-renowned cellist Yo-Yo Ma. Yo-Yo Ma and the Silk Road Ensemble visited UWSP Oct. 15-18, 2012, as part of the Sentry Insurance Invitation to the Arts in […]
More...Joint Field Training Exercise (JFTX) at Fort McCoy
Every year, the UW-Stevens Point ROTC Department puts on the Joint Field Training Exercise (JFTX) and this year was no exception. The Pointer Battalion put on an exhilarating, high-tempo event. With students from MSL 101 and MSL 201, the Pointer Battalion set out for a very fun filled Saturday at Fort McCoy, Wis. Students were […]