It was a perfect match for all 13 students graduating from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point in May 2020 who applied for a dietetic internship, a 1,200-hour supervised internship that is a necessary prerequisite for becoming a Registered Dietitian. This year’s 100% placement rate for these competitive nationwide dietetic internships is well above the national […]
More...The Coronavirus – Why the U.S. Economy Will Never be the Same Part 3: What Will Change – Supply Chains
The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission was created by the United States Congress in October 2000 with the legislative mandate to monitor and report to Congress on the national security implications of the bilateral trade and economic relationship between the United States and China. In 2019 the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission held a hearing […]
More...The Coronavirus – Why the U.S. Economy Will Never be the Same Part 2: What Happened – A Review of the Stock Market
The stock market is not the economy. However, the stock market reflects what is expected to happen to the economy. Although some political leaders doubted the impact of the coronavirus on the United States, a growing uncertainty was becoming evident in U.S. financial markets. As the coronavirus worked its way through China, South Korea, and […]
More...UWSP School of Health Promotion and Human Development 2020 Virtual Awards Reception
The UW-Stevens Point School of Health Promotion and Human Development presented nearly $20,000 in scholarships at its 2020 Virtual Awards Reception Friday, April 17 via an online video. [Photo Album] Grace Hendel Dietetics Scholarship Recipient: Jensynn Lesinski This scholarship was established by the friends, family, and colleagues of Grace Hendel in 1996 to honor her […]
More...Surviving Quarantine Academy
Student Guest Blog: Joy Becker is a first-year health promotion and wellness student at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. The following article was originally posted on her personal blog, In Pursuit of Wellness, and re-posted with permission. Surprise! Doing school from home is hard. At last, the secret is finally out to all my non-homeschooled […]
More...The Coronavirus – Why the U.S. Economy Will Never be the Same Part 1: What Happened – A Review of the Economic Impacts
If there was any doubt about the severity of the coronavirus impact on the U.S. economy, those doubts came to an abrupt halt in March. The Department of Labor announced initial jobless claims soared to a seasonally adjusted 3.28 million in the week ended March 21, up from the prior week claims of only 282,000. […]
More...Ed.D. Cohort 1 Dissertations
The Ed.D. in Educational Sustainability program at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point hit a milestone today when Belinda Rudinger, a third-year doctoral student from Dallas, gave a public defense of her dissertation, “Beyond Access: Technology, Blindness, and Self-Determination.” She is the first student in the history of the program to publicly defend her dissertation. Keep […]
More...Design student earns gold from ASID Wisconsin
A senior interior architecture student at UW-Stevens Point earned a state award for her design of a senior living facility. Senior Sydney Rall earned gold in the commercial design category from the Wisconsin Chapter of American Society of Interior Designers Design Excellence Awards for her design of “Whispering Hills.” The project was from her senior […]
More...Business and Design students present at Research in the Rotunda
Amidst undergraduate students from around the UW System, UW-Stevens Point students Emily Gruber ’23 (accounting, finance) and Cassandra Ostertag ’20 (interior architecture) along with UW-Stevens Point at Wausau students Ana Capetillo ’24 and Kieran Talley ’22 shared their work with legislators, regents, faculty and fellow student researchers at the 17th annual Research in the Rotunda […]
More...Real Wage Growth (or Lack Thereof): Part 3 – By Decade
Part 2 of this blog discussed the Congressional Research Bureau’s report on the change in real wages between 1979 and 2018 across percentiles and demographics (Table 1). That report also goes a step further and breaks down the real wage changes across the various demographic groups across four time periods. Table 2 below depicts what […]