Tag Archives: education

CPS Dean’s List announced for Spring 2015

Dean's List

Spring semester grades are in and a total of 482 students had a GPA over 3.75, including 158 with a perfect 4.0, to earn dean’s list honors at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point College of Professional Studies. Congratulations to all! Dean’s List by major (number of 4.0): Athletic Training: 22 (8) Accounting: 23 (5) Business […]


A place called Hope

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The National Institute of Special Education for Visually Impaired in Namibia is quite altered from a school system that one coming from Wisconsin would be familiar with. The physical set of the entire school contains three linked buildings. A lower primary, a middle school and a junior secondary. The hallways of the school are sidewalks […]


Meet some Namibian students

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“Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world” is a very meaningful quote said by Nelson Mandela. Through education we develop new theories, learn important concepts, and most importantly, we are able to effectively communicate with others to hear and share their stories. Over the past three days while we […]


Perfection does Exist

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There is a saying that I am sure everyone knows, “There is no such thing as perfection.” I believed in this saying wholeheartedly growing up. Perfection was something worked at, but never accomplished. However, stepping out of the van today, for the first day of school, left me in a state of perfection. Emotions are […]


Pieces of the Whole

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Our first week at the School for the Visually Impaired is more than I could have imagined. When you arrive, you fall in love with the kids. Your heart breaks into many pieces that day, and everyday that follows a piece of you is left behind. On that first day, we all received hugs from […]


Follow Your Dreams

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As the summer begins, every Pointer has a different plan. Some will take a summer English course, others will work at day camps, and maybe a few are even planning a weekend excursion to the Dells. May 25 begins my summer plans as I takeoff for Namibia, Africa! When I began my studies at UW-Stevens […]


Packing party

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I am one day away from completing a dream that has been tickling my brain since I was 15-years-old. Today was spent with a loving family and friends who have been around since the diaper days. Thank goodness for the 78 degree weather in Chicago which led us to a cookout. Since the weather was […]


CPS faculty, staff garner University Awards

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University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Chancellor Bernie Patterson surprised two College of Professional Studies employees with university awards on Monday, April 6. Professor Perry Cook (School of Education) won the Excellence in Teaching Award while Jackie Durigan (Assistant to the Dean for Budget and Personnel) was awarded the Outstanding Work Performance Award. Excellence in Teaching Award […]


Plano de Planta: A lesson on creating classroom floor plans

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Well, this past week was a very rewarding week. I feel like I’m finally getting into the swing of things. I feel more confident, have more variety of activities, and I feel like I know my students much better. The one thing I still feel like I am missing, however, is time! There is so […]


Week 3 Already?

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Time is flying! I can’t believe it’s already into the third week of the placement. I’m loving Belleville so far. I really like my cooperating teacher, whom I will call Camila. I could not have been placed with a better teacher. We agree on many ideas and she offers great guidance while also giving me […]
