Tag Archives: UW-Stevens Point

Of mice and maladies

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I’m currently engaged in a rivalry with a mouse–a number of them actually. I’ve actually only seen one, but Jake says there’s three. He always sees them, but they never show themselves when I’m around. They know he doesn’t have what it takes to do anything about it. I, on the other hand, am looking […]


Point in Common: Brain Research and Learning

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Providing a greater understanding of how a child’s mind works, Matthew Peterson, Ph.D. spoke with local educators, parents, community members and UW-Stevens Point education students about brain science and learning on Monday, Oct. 21 at the Ben Franklin Junior High School Auditorium. The event was the first of a three-part community series called Point in […]


A day in the life at UWSP

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Old Main

Hola chicos! I hope everyone’s October is going well, personally this is one of my favorite months of the year so I love it. The changing leaves, a warm blanket, some hot cider; this is why I love living where I do and I’m so thankful being able to experience this type of weather every […]


Gardening for good

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  A big trend in business today is the emergence of social entrepreneurship. This stellar idea of creating business to help solve societal or community problems has been popping up nationally, even here in the Stevens Point community. I’m studying it in my Business 390 course and it has been fascinating to learn about different […]


The Concert

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I just attended a classical concert–no, hang in with me, it was much better than it may sound. Indescribable really, but I’ll do my best. First off, I have to be brutally honest. The only reason I went to the concert was because I happened to run into a guy on my floor who was […]


New Electrophoresis lab analyzer installed

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New equipment that allows UW-Stevens Point faculty to better teach students techniques and principles of electrophoresis has been installed in the School of Health Care Professions. A Sebia Hydrasys Electrophoresis lab analyzer, purchased from Sebia, Inc. through a lab modernization grant, will be integrated into student labs for instructional purposes. Electrophoresis is a technique that […]


Family Times: Bucks, Brothers and Business

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On sunny autumn Saturdays like this one, I can’t help but think longingly of my family back in Abbotsford, Wis. What are they doing right now? The answer to that question is: Lord only knows. As owners of a family milk trucking business, there was never a lack of excitement on days like today. They […]


ISH – It’s better than it sounds

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One of the great things about the London program is the housing; we’re staying in the International Student House (ISH) in Central London, literally bordering Regent’s Park (the equivalent of Central Park in New York). It’s interesting, this is an area of wealth like few of us have ever experienced. I walk outside and there […]


Introduction: Meet Lee Bartnik

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My name is Lee Bartnik and I am a super senior studying dietetics at UW-Stevens Point and I’m currently enrolled in the London internship semester program. This is my blog, written to my fellow students to entertain and possibly inform. Well, it is Sunday evening, which usually means struggling to find a live stream of […]


Surviving Stroke Together

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Stroke survivors, their family members, friends and caregivers learned what happens to the brain during a stroke and how it affects communication from Mary Day, clinical professor of communicative disorders at UW-Stevens Point, at the “Surviving Stroke Together” Portage County Area Stroke Support Group on Monday, Sept. 30 at the Lincoln Center. Over one million […]
