Our last blog looked at how taxes changed in 2018, specifically the tax cuts for individuals and corporations. This blog will take a look at the economy – including how those tax cuts and other factors impacted the economy, and what is likely to impact the economy going forward. The blog is split into six […]
More...Category Archives: Academics
UW-Stevens Point undergraduate already pursuing his MBA
While he will cross the commencement stage along with more than 600 graduates Saturday, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point senior and Stevens Point native Tyler Patoka is already a few steps ahead of many. Over the past semester, Patoka has been taking classes for UW-Stevens Point’s master’s degree in business administration (MBA), while finishing his undergraduate […]
More...Temple Grandin inspires, educates UW-Stevens Point students about autism
“Show them what you can do!” That was the empowering message Temple Grandin, Ph.D., one of the world’s most accomplished and well-known adults with autism, shared during an intimate dinner with a group of UW-Stevens Point students Dec. 3. [Photo Album] The students included the Neurodiversity Alliance support group, the Student Council For Exceptional Children, […]
More...Chancellor’s Leadership Award recipients for fall 2019
Each semester, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point’s best and brightest student leaders are presented with the Chancellor’s Leadership Award. This semester, 14 students from the College of Professional Studies have been selected for this honor. These students are a select group of graduating seniors who throughout their careers at UW-Stevens Point have contributed significant leadership, demonstrated […]
More...Income Taxes – Bush vs. Obama vs. Trump Part 5: Corporate Incomes – Briefly but Importantly
The most significant changes from the 2018 tax bill under President Trump impacted corporations. The significant benefits to corporations included the following: a reduction in the statutory corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%, 2) capital spending (spending on property, plant, and equipment) could be immediately expensed rather than depreciated, and 3) the taxation of […]
More...Income Taxes – Bush vs. Obama vs. Trump Part 4: President Trump vs. President Obama
Beginning in 2018, tax law changed under President Trump, with the most significant changes and reductions occurring to corporate taxes. The new tax law keeps the seven tax brackets that existed under President Obama, with the bracket amounts adjusted slightly. However, the tax rates that apply to each tax bracket were generally reduced. This was […]
More...Income Taxes – Bush vs. Obama vs. Trump Part 3: President Obama vs. President Bush
How did income tax rates change under President Obama relative to President Bush? The answer is: not much, except for the tax rate that applied to the highest income bracket. The tax rates that were in effect under President Obama were generally derived from the “Bush Tax Cuts” that were implemented in 2003. Under President […]
More...UW-Stevens Point receives largest individual gift from Port Edwards teacher
A woman who devoted her career to helping children read has provided the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point with the largest individual gift in its 125-year history. A gift of $4.3 million from the estate of Dorothea Harju, an alumna, has been made to the UWSP Foundation for the School of Education. This generous gift will […]
More...Income Taxes – Bush vs. Obama vs. Trump Part 2: Federal Individual Income Tax Overview, How it Works
The federal income tax structure is a progressive tax structure. Theoretically, the more you make the more you pay. This structure has been a principle tenet of the federal income tax system, and remained in place under Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump. As demonstrated below, there are progressively higher tax rates that apply to increasingly […]
More...UWSP math education alum earns Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching
A University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point alum is one of 108 teachers in the country honored with a Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring. Kevin Reese, a 2002 UW-Stevens Point mathematics education alum, has been a mathematics teacher at Clintonville High School for his entire 17-year teaching career, currently assigned to teach […]