Business students learn while networking

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What are you looking for in a résumé? How do I describe my experience in a positive way? What’s the most important thing to remember as I start my new job? These were just some of the questions business students asked during a networking and mentoring event at UW-Stevens Point on Monday, Feb. 11. The […]


Bachelor’s degree in nursing approved for UW-Stevens Point

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Registered nurses will soon be able to earn a Bachelor of Science in Nursing at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Last week, the UW System Board of Regents approved the degree, which will enable licensed, registered nurses to pursue their education through in-person, online and hybrid courses. Coursework will prepare registered nurses for leadership roles, […]


London street markets

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When visiting London, there is one thing that you must do—street markets! London is home to many famous street markets and I have been lucky enough to visit a few. Portobello Market in Notting Hill is probably the best know, and for good reason, because it has everything you could want! Clothes, music, souvenirs, food, […]


Foodie Adventures in London

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It is hard to come to a city as diverse and multicultural like London and not notice that each different community has brought a taste of their own country to London. To do justice to my time here, I decided to go on some foodie ventures and see what different cuisines the world had to […]


ROTC completes Combat Water Survival Test

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Jumping off a high dive or swimming across a pool may be a fear for some, but not for the students in the military science program at UW-Stevens Point who completed the Combat Water Survival Test on Thursday, Feb. 7. To make it even more difficult, they completed these tasks in full uniform while carrying […]


Aventuras en España

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Hola Chicos! Happy February everyone! I hope the groundhog told you there would be an early spring, even though I know you guys haven’t been having the greatest of weather lately. However the weather has been fantastic here lately, sunny and in the 50s everyday. No worries though, spring is just around the corner for […]


Business Advisory Council and faculty partner to benefit students, companies

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Roxanne Baumann

The UW-Stevens Point School of Business & Economics hosted a luncheon on Tuesday, Feb. 5 for members of the UWSP Business Advisory Council (BAC), with special guest speaker Roxanne Baumann ’75, director of global engagement at the Wisconsin Manufacturing Extension Partnership. The BAC is a select group of decision makers among a diverse group of […]


Running out of time

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  Welcome back as we begin a new year and turn over a new leaf in 2013! My final semester here at UW-Stevens Point has just begun, and there is a bittersweet feeling in my heart. I realized that I am ready to be done with school, but am not ready to let go of […]


The light at the end of the tunnel

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Over winter break, I was going through some of the “stuff” I’ve collected over the years. Tucked neatly away in one of my dust-settled crates of papers, I found my acceptance letter to UW-Stevens Point along with my orientation packet. Memories flooded my mind and even for someone with as big of an imagination as […]


From Paris (and Spain) with love

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Hola Chicos! I hope everyone has been enjoying there first week of classes. If it makes anyone feel better, I’ve been in class for almost a month now and I’ve already had tests in several classes. As I have said before, I love Valladolid, and I’m loving it more and more everyday. In case I […]
