Prof. Pat Kluetz, who retired from the UWSP Division of Interior Architecture at the end of the 2011-12 school year, is adding one more award to her collection. Kluetz was named Honorable Mention National ASID Faculty Advisor of the Year. The ASID Student Chapter Awards are given to outstanding student members and chapters responsible for […]
More...Fitness and Health in College Students
A research poster featuring data collected from one of UW-Stevens Point’s cornerstone courses, HPW 102: The Healthy American, earned the Award of Excellence – Research Poster at the 37th Annual National Wellness Conference. Three faculty members from the School of Health Promotion & Human Development – Tom Wetter, Ph.D., Kelly Schoonaert, Ph.D., and Annie Wetter, […]
More...Bye Bye Brazil, Hello Memories
A group of 15 UW-Stevens Point speech-language pathology graduate students are on a 12-day trip to the Center for Cleft Lip and Palate Care (CAIF) in Curitiba, Brazil. By Pam Terrell, Ph.D. The perfect journey is circular…the joy of departure and the joy of return. ~Dino Basili I am finally getting around to a final wrap-up […]
More...501 students named to CPS Dean’s List
The 2012 spring semester was another huge success for students in the College of Professional Studies at UW-Stevens Point. A total of 501 students were named to the Dean’s List for earning a GPA over 3.75, including 141 with a perfect 4.0. Congratulations to all! Students with 4.0 by major: Elementary Education: 39 Early Childhood […]
More...Marquart takes over as head of Interior Architecture
Katja Marquart was appointed as the associate dean and department head of the UW-Stevens Point Division of Interior Architecture, announced College of Professional Studies Dean Marty Loy. Marquart, an associate professor, has been at UWSP since 2005. She replaces Nisha Fernando, who is allocating her time to research. “It is an honor to be able […]
More...Cleft Palates, Crouzon Syndrome & Curta Curtitiba
A group of 15 UW-Stevens Point speech-language pathology graduate students are on a 12-day trip to the Center for Cleft Lip and Palate Care (CAIF) in Curitiba, Brazil. By Pam Terrell, Ph.D. Today we all stayed together in one big group as we watched 11 nasoendoscopies to assess velopharyngeal function (where the soft palate should come […]
More...Surgeries & Stilettos
A group of 15 UW-Stevens Point speech-language pathology graduate students are on a 12-day trip to the Center for Cleft Lip and Palate Care (CAIF) in Curitiba, Brazil. By Pam Terrell, Ph.D. I thought I would begin by describing our typical daily schedule here at CAIF. Everyone is up between 6-6:30 a.m. for breakfast and we […]
More...CAIF Rotations & Charrascaria
A group of 15 UW-Stevens Point speech-language pathology graduate students are on a 12-day trip to the Center for Cleft Lip and Palate Care (CAIF) in Curitiba, Brazil. By Pam Terrell, Ph.D. Today at CAIF the students rotated through psychology, orthodontia, genetics, and pediatrics. While they were doing that, I got to go in and observe […]
More...First Day at CAIF
A group of 15 UW-Stevens Point speech-language pathology graduate students are on a 12-day trip to the Center for Cleft Lip and Palate Care (CAIF) in Curitiba, Brazil. By Pam Terrell, Ph.D. Today was the first day at CAIF (Center for Cleft Lip and Palate Care). Two groups of students got to observe surgery–cleft lip and […]
More...Arriving in Brazil
A group of 15 UW-Stevens Point speech-language pathology graduate students are on a 12-day trip to the Center for Cleft Lip and Palate Care (CAIF) in Curitiba, Brazil. By Pam Terrell, Ph.D. We arrived safe and sound, with all of our luggage, on Saturday afternoon. We took some time to unpack, shower, and rest a bit […]