A recent executive order by President Biden aims to limit corporate power and lower consumer prices – including for hearing aids. We look at why hearing aids are so expensive and how Biden’s move may affect both patients and audiologists. UW-Stevens Point Audiology faculty members Rachel Craig and Becky Henning were guests on Wisconsin Public […]
More...UW-Stevens Point launches natural science education major
The natural science education major at UW-Stevens Point will be launched beginning in fall 2021, one of the first within the University of Wisconsin System. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) approved this collaborative bachelor’s degree program. The new major natural science, science teaching certification is a collaboration among the School of Education, Departments […]
More...Meet Baily … Jumping into Outdoor Recreation
Hi! My name is Baily Kruzan and I am from a small town way up in Northern Wisconsin called Highbridge. I am currently going into my senior year at the University of Stevens-Point, as well as starting my MBA this summer as a 4+1 student. I am a double major in marketing and business administration […]
More...Educational Sustainability doctoral program hosts annual residency in Stevens Point and Marshfield
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point doctoral students recently came to Stevens Point and Marshfield from as far away as Germany and Hawaii and many places in-between to take part in a summer residency for a program unlike any other in the world. Starting its fifth year, the Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Educational Sustainability program at […]
More...What’s Up With Inflation?
The rate of inflation in the United States is generally measured by the change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which is a weighted average of prices for a basket of consumer goods and services, including transportation, food, and medical care. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the change in the CPI each month. […]
More...MBA and CREATE Portage County team up for Thriving Cultures Micro-Certificate at UW-Stevens Point
A Thriving Cultures Micro-Certificate is now offered through the MBA program at UW-Stevens Point and CREATE Portage County. This Executive Education Series includes courses that can be taken separately or together for the full certificate. Each class is one credit and is taken in four weeks with course materials such as podcasts, readings and notes […]
More...Turgeson featured on The Produce Moms Podcast, shares career opportunities in Family and Consumer Sciences
When you think of family and consumer sciences you probably time travel to home economics classes in middle and high school. These classes originally taught life trades to young adults such as culinary skills, nutrition, and personal finance. FCS in recent years has developed into much more than that, especially with the addition of the […]
More...Dean’s List honors announced for Spring 2021
A total of 571 students had a GPA over 3.75–including 264 with a perfect 4.0–to earn dean’s list honors for the 2021 spring semester in the College of Professional Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Congratulations to all! CPS Dean’s List by major (number of 4.0): Accounting: 20 (8)Business Administration: 45 (21)Clinical Lab Science: […]
More...UWSP students accepted into dietetic internships
The end goal of becoming a Registered Dietitian is one step closer for nine students who graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point in May 2021 as they have been matched with dietetic internships, a 1,200-hour supervised internship that is a necessary prerequisite for the profession. This year’s 77% placement rate (10 out of 13, […]
More...The Economy – Where We’ve Been and Where We’re Going
This article was originally a part of the Center for Business and Economic Insight Spring 2021 Presentation. The United States is emerging from one of the most challenging and unique economic periods in its history. This challenging economic period was different from others. The economic downturn wasn’t the result of financial market problems or other […]