HPW Internship: Milwaukee Area Health Education Center

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Overall Goal of Internship At the completion of this internship, the intern will have developed an excellent understanding and knowledge of a Community Health Promotion Program.  The intern will gain experience and knowledge in promotion and marketing, behavior change facilitation, and organizational experience approve by site supervisor and implemented at various community sites.  The intern […]


HPW Internship: Kennedy Space Center Fitness

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Overall Goal of Internship At the completion of this internship, the intern will have developed an excellent understanding and working knowledge of how Kennedy Space Center Fitness Centers provides a variety of health and wellness services and programs to all NASA employees. The intern will gain experience in behavior change facilitation, promotion and marketing, and […]


HPW Internship: Healthy Achievers

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Overall Goal of Internship Upon completion of this internship, the intern will gain knowledge and experience with Healthy Achievers. The intern will acquire knowledge in three main areas: behavior change facilitation, organizational, and promotion & marketing. The intern will make useful contributions to Healthy Achievers with corporate clients at various locations across the U.S. Objectives […]


HPW Internship: USAA Tampa

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Overall Goal of Internship At completion of this internship, the intern will gain an excellent understanding and knowledge of how USAA provides a variety of health and wellness programs to their employees. The intern will gain experience in behavior change facilitation including assessment, intervention and reassessment. Create promotional and marketing projects to increase participation or […]


HPW Internship: New Vision Wilderness Therapy

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Overall Goal of Internship At completion of this internship, the intern will gain an excellent understanding and knowledge of how New Vision Wilderness provides a variety of health and wellness programs to its adolescent clients. The intern will gain experience in behavior change facilitation including Health Risk Assessment, intervention, and reassessment, and will create promotional […]


HPW Internship: Dance Out Diabetes

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Overall Goal of Internship Gain experience and knowledge in the areas of health and wellness in a community organization. Obtain experience in behavior change facilitation, promotion and marketing, and organizational experience approved by the site supervisor. Objectives Behavior Change: At the completion of this internship, intern will be able to present clinical findings of a […]


HPW Internship: World Endeavors

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Overall Goal of Internship At completion of this internship, the intern will gain an excellent understanding and knowledge of how Westport Athletic Club and Ocean Spirit Spa and their communities provides a variety of health and wellness programs to their participants. The intern will gain experience in behavior change facilitation including assessment, intervention and reassessment. […]


CPS Students Sweep WiSys Quick Pitch Competition

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With jargon specific to certain professions and industries, explaining academic research can be cumbersome. But in a three-minute presentation at the WiSys Quick Pitch Competition on Feb. 16, students at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point created a persuasive and compelling quick pitch of their research and/or innovative idea. Cash prizes were handed out to the […]


HPW Internship: Appvion Inc. Wellness Center

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HPW Student Internship Perspective – Ryan Boeshaar 16′ Interning in the Appvion Wellness Center has been a very great experience for me. I not only worked at the wellness center, but I also had the opportunity to work with the on- site clinic, Appvion corporate headquarters, and the downtown Appleton YMCA. This was a great […]


HPW Internship: Mayo Clinic Health System – La Crosse

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Overall Goal of Internship At completion of this internship, the intern will gain an excellent understanding and knowledge of how Mayo Clinic Health System – La Crosse provides a variety of health and wellness programs to employees/community-sponsored events. The intern will gain experience in behavior change facilitation including Health Risk Assessment, intervention, and reassessment, and […]
