Emeritus Dean Joan North, who served as a dean of the College of Professional Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point for 25 years, was honored with a new space on campus that celebrates the college’s alumni, students and history. The Joan North Place grand opening was held on Nov. 3 in the CPS Building. Located […]
More...… And We’re Back, Continued
Now that we covered the academic portion of my summer, let’s cover the ROTC portion, shall we? This summer I attended CLC, which stands for Cadet Leadership Course. This is the culminating events for juniors who are headed into their final year of ROTC. The Army ships us all down to Ft. Knox, Kentucky, where […]
More...HPW Internship: J.J. Keller and Associates
HPW Student Internship Experience – Jon Pahl 15′ Interning at J. J. Keller and Associates, has really made a difference in my life. I have found many new strategies to get to people and have learned a lot of different information. From taking over the ergonomic side of things for the whole company to working […]
More...And We’re Back
Hey Pointers! First, I want to apologize for taking so long to catch you up on my summer! Let’s dive in: Colorado was amazing and extremely tough. Hannah (the girl who I went to Australia with last winter) introduced me to this internship and we went together! Let me just remind you what I was […]
More...Herr earns state camp award
A camp organized by UW-Stevens Point Associate Professor of Education Maysee Yang Herr and alum Yauo Yang ’08 has been selected for a state award. The American Camp Association Wisconsin Local Council of Leaders has selected Camp Phuoojywg-Friend to receive the Excellence in Program Recognition award. Camp Phoojywg-Friend is a two-week camp that offers basic […]
More...Four Jobs Eveyone Should Try
Max Trzebiatowski If you’ve ever played a sport in your life, you’ve probably heard the saying, “Practice like you play.” or “Every repetition matters.” Whether it’s a swing, slapshot, jump shot, throw, kick, juke, jump, sprint or toss, you need to be focused and do it like you are in your top game form. […]
More...Farmers Market Finds
They say that the early bird catches the worm and that couldn’t be more true for the farmers market in Stevens Point. The market is held daily downtown on the Square, but Saturdays are the busiest. You need to be up early if you want to get the best pickings! Did you know that the […]
More...HPW Internship: YMCA-Northern Lights
HPW Student Internship Experience – Brittany Richard 16′ While interning at the Northern Lights YMCA, I have been exposed to a variety of tasks and duties. Pertaining to office tasks, I have made numerous phone calls to individuals on waiting lists for chronic illness programs. I was also in contact with YMCA’s all across the […]
More...Bob Rossmiller: 1921-2016
Former UW-Stevens Point Professor of Education Robert (Bob) Rossmiller of Stevens Point died Friday, Sept. 16, 2016, at the age of 95. Bob was born June 16, 1921, the fourth child of Melvin (Bud) and Mary (Gruno) Rossmiller. He grew up on a farm in Honey Creek before moving to East Troy with his family […]
More...Maier takes over command of UW-Stevens Point ROTC program
The Army ROTC program at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point has a new department chair and professor of military science in Army Lieutenant Colonel Rochell Maier who started with the Pointer Battalion in August 2016. LTC Maier received her Army commission in Aviation through ROTC and has a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-La […]