Two hundred educators from 35 districts and agencies around the state got a jump start on the upcoming school year by learning about new technology at the UW-Stevens Point Digital Learning JumpStart Conference on Monday, Aug. 10, sponsored by Wisconsin Technology Initiative. [Photo Gallery] The conference provided PK-12 teachers, pre-service teachers and higher education faculty with […]
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Research Point: Dietetics students present at Wisconsin Science & Technology Symposium
by UW-Stevens Point senior dietetics major Jacob Richmond and dietetics graduates Cody Hanick ’15 and Matthew Breit ’15 “Eureka isn’t a moment, it’s a process.” This was the theme of the 8th Annual Wisconsin Science & Technology Symposium (WSTS) that we had the tremendous opportunity to attend and present our research “Effects of Post-Workout Nutritional […]
More...Oh, The Places You’ll Go!
“Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away!” Only a month ago I was in Namibia teaching and playing with the learners at the School for the Visually Impaired with my fellow education students from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point School of Education. Now I found myself traveling to […]
More...Lessons and goals from London
Hola Chicos! I am officially more than half way done with my internship at Movimientos and time in London, and I’m realizing how bittersweet that is. I have gained a wealth of knowledge and experiences, but I feel I still have a lot left I would like to accomplish. For this post I thought I […]
More...Hmong Bike-Ped Community Map receives grant with help from UWSP faculty
An ethnographically-based bicycle/pedestrian activity map of Stevens Point will be funded in part by Saint Michael’s Foundation. The Hmong Bike-Ped Community Map aims to engage the Hmong community by creating a culturally relevant approach to physical activity. The collaborative efforts of Portage County Can Coalition and the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point will engage Hmong families […]
More...Goodbye, until we meet again
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I will miss you until we meet again. – Unknown Living in Namibia for a month was an extraordinary adventure. It is difficult to say goodbye to all the people we met while we were here, especially the learners. For the past four […]
More...UW-Stevens Point sponsors Wisconsin Reading Research Symposium
A sold-out crowd of teachers, administrators and reading specialists from around the state attended the 34th Annual Wisconsin Reading Research Symposium June 26-27 at the Holiday Inn Hotel and Convention Center in Stevens Point. [Photo Gallery] The two-day event was sponsored by the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point College of Professional Studies and School of Education […]
More...New adventures in the UK
Hola Chicos! I have officially been in London for more than two weeks now and I have loved every second of it. Now that I’ve settled down in my new home I feel more comfortable exploring new things in and around the city. Also I’ve been working for a couple weeks so I have begun […]
More...Wild and free
If you are looking for a beautiful weekend excursion, Etosha is the place to go. From the accommodations to the wildlife, it was one perfect safari experience for everyone. We were welcomed at Mondjila, our weekend lodging, with warm greetings and freshly squeezed pineapple juice. These little touches were appreciated after our five-hour drive from […]
More...A weekend with wild animals
Road trips are always fun adventures, but one in Namibia with our wonderful host family and the UW-Stevens Point School of Education team was an absolute blast. From jamming out to our Namibia playlist to listening to Adam tell stories over the audio system, the laughs and memories made on the trek to Etosha were […]