Pointers, This is it. College is over. I still can’t wrap my mind around it. It’s been almost two months since I’ve graduated and commissioned and I have so much to catch you up on. First, commissioning was amazing. It was such a bittersweet moment. My entire family was able to make the drive from […]
More...Category Archives: Rilee N.
Reeder’s Ruck 2017
Happy May, Pointers! Reeder’s Ruck 2017 is a wrap! This year we had 75 participants who made their way around Stevens Point and the Green Circle Trail. All of the participants and volunteers made the Third Annual Reeder’s Ruck a huge success to remember Alex as a scholar, athlete, leader and friend. I’ll let the […]
More...Sexual Assault Awareness Month and ROTC
Pointers, This post is going to be a little more serious than my usual posts, and for good reason. April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month. According to the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network (RAINN), 23.1% of undergraduate females and 5.4% of undergraduate males experience rape or sexual assault on their college campus. In […]
More...The Countdown is on!
Only 41 days until commissioning. 42 days until graduation. Can you believe it..?! I can’t. So far, spring semester has been a lot of fun actually. As Command Sergeant Major (CSM), I have a couple other seniors within the battalion who make my job a lot less stressful than it should be. CSM comes with […]
More...Almost There …
Pointers! Fall semester has come and gone. I have so much to catch you up on; let’s get started! I was in charge of setting up and running Warrior Challenge during Welcome Week. It was a huge success. We had a rock wall, a HMMWV (High-Mobility Multi-Wheeled Vehicle) pull, a pull-up competition, and a station where […]
More...… And We’re Back, Continued
Now that we covered the academic portion of my summer, let’s cover the ROTC portion, shall we? This summer I attended CLC, which stands for Cadet Leadership Course. This is the culminating events for juniors who are headed into their final year of ROTC. The Army ships us all down to Ft. Knox, Kentucky, where […]
More...And We’re Back
Hey Pointers! First, I want to apologize for taking so long to catch you up on my summer! Let’s dive in: Colorado was amazing and extremely tough. Hannah (the girl who I went to Australia with last winter) introduced me to this internship and we went together! Let me just remind you what I was […]
More...Year Three …
Pointers, I cannot believe that my junior year is in the books already! It was an amazing year, that’s for sure. So much was accomplished, not only in school, but in ROTC. I participated in Ranger Challenge (where we placed highest ever in UW-Stevens Point ROTC history [4th place]) … I got gold at GAFMPB […]
More...Reeder’s Ruck 2016 in Review
Pointers, Hang in there! We are almost there; one more week! You can do it! ROTC has been pretty busy. As I mentioned in my last post, April was the busiest month for ROTC. We held Reeder’s Ruck and it was a complete and total success! This post is going to be mostly pictures with […]
More...April chaos brings May pay-off?
Pointers, Glad to see you all back here! Let’s get started! April is the most chaotic month, not only in ROTC, but in college in general. There are midterms, projects, papers, presentations, summer planning, and let’s not forget all the stress of making sure your grades are up to snuff before finals! Add all of that […]