Research has proven that disease risk varies in relation to culture based on diet, exercise, genetics, religion, and access to health care. Students in Health Science 105: Survey of Common Disease showcased their own findings of the importance of becoming culturally aware of a patient’s needs at a poster presentation in the UW-Stevens Point Dreyfus […]
More...Tag Archives: health
Pointers learn about women’s health issues
Even the most athletic individuals can improve their health. That’s why UW-Stevens Point invited a panel of women’s health specialists from Ministry Health Group to speak to Pointers female student-athletes on Sunday, Nov. 11. [Photo Gallery] Dr. Kit Swiecki, MD, Dr. Fred Boehm, MD, and Traci Smet ATC, CSCS, PES, presented to the Pointers about […]
More...Fitness and Health in College Students
A research poster featuring data collected from one of UW-Stevens Point’s cornerstone courses, HPW 102: The Healthy American, earned the Award of Excellence – Research Poster at the 37th Annual National Wellness Conference. Three faculty members from the School of Health Promotion & Human Development – Tom Wetter, Ph.D., Kelly Schoonaert, Ph.D., and Annie Wetter, […]
More...Women & Science Day showcases careers to area students
More than 400 area seventh and eighth grade girls came to UW-Stevens Point to learn more about future careers in the sciences from women who are experts in their field on Women & Science Day on Friday, Feb. 24. A keynote address, “An Education in Science Opens Many Doors,” was presented by Laura Nelson, a […]
More...A Matter of Convenience: Making healthier choices on the go
Are you one of those people who are busy and find it hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle on the go? Know that it is possible to eat healthy while on the go! Deborah Tang, a registered dietitian and associate lecturer in the School of Health Promotion & Human Development at UW-Stevens Point, presented on how […]
More...Creating a well-school environment
The head of the School of Health Promotion & Human Development (HPHD) and a nutritional sciences graduate student were part of a Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction webinar panel that explored the impact of school health policy on child nutrition and physical activity. Annie Wetter, Ph.D., head of HPHD, and grad student Beth Hanna addressed […]
More...Helping the community maintain weight over the holidays
While many people filled up on turkey, stuffing and cranberries during the Thanksgiving weekend, Deborah Tang, associate lecturer of dietetics at UW-Stevens Point, presented on “Maintaining Weight Over the Holidays” to the Healthy Habits group on Wednesday, Nov. 23 in the Oak Room at Ministry Home Care downtown Stevens Point. The group discussed and exchanged […]
More...Discovering Disease Diversity
UW-Stevens Point students in Health Science 105 Survey of Common Disease showcased their findings of the importance of becoming culturally aware of a patient’s needs at a poster presentation in the Dreyfus University Center Laird Room Wednesday, Nov. 23. The students collaborated in groups and discovered how diverse backgrounds are related to major disease […]
More...Health Promotion and Wellness students help get Sentry Insurance in shape
Students enrolled in the UW-Stevens Point Health Promotion and Wellness Practicum facilitatied group exercise training program for employees at nearby Sentry Insurance on Thursday, Nov. 17. Brittany Boyer, Joyce Kleiman, Whitney Oftedahl and Tyler Ryce, the student fitness instructors, led stations to improve the employees’ agility, plyometrics, core, and resistance training. Prof. Corey Huck, Ph.D., […]
More...Employee Wellness hosts Safety & Wellness Fair
UW-Stevens Point employees and their families got health answers from professionals at the Safety & Wellness Fair on Wednesday, Nov. 16 in the Dreyfus University Center. Vendors from 35 companies provided information on bone density, physical therapy, work safety, sports medicine, ergonomics, lab safety, nutrition and occupational health. The event is sponsored by UWSP Employee […]